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I looked down the hall, wanting to go in the room. I knew my mom was sleeping, but I wanted to see my new baby sibling. I knew the nurses would keep me out, but I was so curious.

'Just one little peak wouldn't hurt anybody.' I thought to myself as I got up quietly from my seat.

"Alex! Get my phone.... get my phone and call Derek." mom said through clean bed teeth. her face looked pale and sweaty, it scared me and made my stomach feel sick.

"Mom? what's wrong?" I cried, tears coming to my eyes.

"Just call Derek... please." she panted, her face showing she was in pain. I quickly nodded and ran to the next room to call him.

As I walked down the hall, I was nervous.

What would my new sibling be like? will I like them? will they like me? Would my mom spend any time with them, since she hardly spends time with me?

I looked over to the desk and saw the nurse looking the other way, but I didn't want to be spotted in case she looked back. I quickly ducked and slowly started to walk by, making sure I wouldn't be seen. I was a ninja.

"Boy, go get your mom's purse." Derek said as he helped my mom to her feet. I hesitated as I saw her limp slightly, her hand clutching her belly. "Now, boy!" Derek snapped, getting impatient.

I quickly ran down the hall to my moms room and grabbed her purse from her nightstand, my stomach still feeling sick, then quickly ran to the car where they were waiting.

Mom was breathing quickly, her head leaning back on the seat. I looked over to Derek with worry.

"What's wrong with my mom?" I asked him, biting my bottom lip. Derek turned his head my direction for a second before looking back out the windshield.

"She having the baby," he said tiredly.

I slip into the room through the small crack of the door, making sure I was being quiet. I looked over and saw my mom sleeping on the hospital bed, her hair crazy and face still pale, then I looked to the other side of the room and saw the crib.

As I moved closer, my tummy started to get that weird butterfly feeling. I was nervous. The same questions as earlier repeated in my mind, along with the memories of the car ride, as I got closer.

Slowly, I peaked my head over the edge of the crib and heard a small giggle.

"You know, if you had just gotten rid of this thing when I told you, you wouldn't be going through this again." Derek said to my mom and I looked at them confused.

'Get rid of what?' I though to myself. 'Is he talking about the reason my mom's in so much pain?'

"You know I would never do that, i'm not that kind of person Derek." mom snapped at him.

"Yeah I know, next time were going to take precautions, I don't want another mess like the one were in now." He grumbled at my mom. "dang hospital bill is gonna cost me a fortune."

"Don't worry about it, the so called 'mess' is already taken care of." my mom sighed, her face looking a little less pale.

I looked at both of them strangely, wondering what they were talking about.

Big brown eyes stared up at me as I peaked over the edge, and the smile on her face made me smile as well. I have a sister!

I reached my hand over and fixed her little pink hat that was coming off so it stayed better, and her little hand came up and grabbed my finger as I was reaching. I looked back to her small toothless smile and her big brown eyes, she seemed breakable.

I don't want anyone to ever hurt her.

"I'll protect you," I promised quietly. "I'll be the best big brother ever, you'll see." I rested my head on the edge of the crib as I watched her and her big eyes.

"You're not supposed to be in here." I heard a harsh whisper from the door.

"Don't worry, I called the family already, they are on their way." I heard Derek say to my mom as they out her in a wheel chair.

"Okay... babe, are you sure that-?" she started to say but then started to grunt in pain again.

"Yes, we already talked about this. They'll be here by the morning." Derek said as he patted her hand.

After the nurse shoo'ed me out of the room, I sat in the chairs in the waiting room. Derek was beside me half asleep, the tv was off, and the nurse said that the playroom was closed till later. I was bored. I sat, and sat, and sat, and sat. I started kicking my feet but then Derek snapped at me to stop. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him but I knew that would just earn me a slap from my mom later, she didn't like it when I was mean to her boyfriend. She said I needed to be respectful, not that I knew what that meant.

I stared at the blank Tv till I hear Derek's phone start ringing. He woke up and quickly answered it, then got up to leave as he put it back in his pocket. He didn't say anything but to stay where I was, but as soon as he was gone, I was up. I started to walk down the halls looking around for something to entrain my six year old self.

"What's wrong with mommy? why is she in a lot of pain?" I asked Derek as the nurses took my mom to another room.

"She's having the baby, that's why she's in a lot of pain." he explained, patting my head like a dog. I frowned at him for a second, then it clicked.

"The baby is making her in pain?" I asked with big eyes and excitement in my voice.

"Yes, and she's going to need lots of rest afterwards, so we won't be able to see them." Derek told me, looking to where the nurses were taking my mom. "I'm going to be with her, you stay here in this room and don't leave, okay?" he ordered me then took off, leaving me nodded my head.

A nurse came over and took my hand, then lead me to a white room filled a chairs.

I couldn't find anything to do except play ninja, though I was almost caught by one of the guy nurses, so I made my way back to the room I wasn't supposed to leave.

I was almost there when I saw people coming out of my moms room. I stopped where i was and wondered what was happening. I watched as they were giving each other happy smiles as they walked away, and then I saw it. They had my sister in their arms.

I quickly ran to my moms room and saw her and Derek sitting in the bed, just talking. I rushed to the crib and saw it empty. My sister was gone.


Well, here's the Prologue!  I hope you guy's like it! XD 

More to come soon! I'm starting a once a week update, opefully it will be on wednessdays, we'll see in the future though if it changes :) Let me know what you think so far!!


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