Chapter 5.

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You know that moment when you think you’ll be unnoticed when you enter a place, but then it turns out to be the opposite and everyone turns to look/glare at you? Yeah, me either. But when Garret and I walked into the “Alley”, or more better called the “Garage” down here, Everyone had turned to see who the heck entered their turf.

As if that wasn’t hard enough, they had been expecting us.

The announcer grabbed the mike, gesturing to our direction for the people who didn’t know we were here, now knew.

“Fighters and misfits, may I have your attention please!” The announcer shouted into the mike. “It seems to me that we have some underdog royalty in our midst… What do you say, we see what they got?” The crowd started to hoot and holler, demanding a fight.

I shook my head with a sigh then turned to face Garret, raising an eyebrow at him. We were coming here to check out the competition, but it looked like we were being challenged. He nodded his head, making his hood fall even further down his face into it’s rightful position. When I turned back around, I got a good glance at who was up there, then chuckled to myself as I saw it was someone we had fought before. 

Sure, we never left our area back home, but after fighting one out-of-towner, the word started to spread like wild fire. It was one of the reasons Garret would make so much money with his fights. The further away they were, or the more known in the underground world, the more money you would win. 

This guy apparently wanted to see what my boy had, or just wanted to get his butt kicked once more. At least tonight would be a warm up for Garret and myself before we get into the swing of things around here.

“Alright, opponents in the ring please.” The announcer called, gesturing to the make shift ring on top of a wooden platform. 

“You know the drill. Warm up moves only, take your time, but make it a show.” I patted his back, then pushed him off towards the ring.

Looking around, I noticed a bar in the back of this place, still in perfect sight of the ring. I headed over there and took a seat, facing the stage as I watched Garret take his place up there, relaxed as ever. Even though his hood was up, I could tell from his stance that he had been craving a fight. 

When I sat down, the bartender immediately took my drink order. I didn’t have to wait long to get it, though I had to open the beer myself. Putting it against the edge of the bar, I hit the bottle and popped off the lid, then sat back and watched the show. A smirk on my face. I could tell Garret was playing with the guy, purposefully standing close enough to make his opponent think he’ll land a move, but then would quickly move out of the way or would make his move backfire, using it against him.

He didn’t get hit a single time, nor did he miss a single punch, kick, or jab. 

“Did you train him?” A deep voice asked from behind me, and I turned around to see it was the bartender who was making conversation.

“I’ll take credit where it’s due, but that’s all him.” I shrugged, keeping my face neutral.

“He seems to be able to handle himself.” He commented. I just nodded, bringing my drink up to my lips. “Do you think he’d be able to withstand a fight against this towns best guy?” He asked me, making my head snap up.


“Mutilator?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I just sat there with a blank face, hoping he'd get the hint to keep talking. “He’s the hot shot fighter ‘round here. One of the best.” He nodded. “To be honest though… he’s a little snot. But he could still take on guys three times his size….. So, do you think your kid could beat him?”

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