Chapter 2.

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"Mom, Have you seen the cat anywhere?" I asked her as I searched all around the house.

It's only been 3 months, but he tended to get into more things than a little kid. He had made himself quite comfortable here. I remembered having made him a bed of his own in my room, but I always wake up with him either curled up beside me or on my back. He grew on me fast, though he tends to rub my mom the wrong way, so I usually keep him away from her.

When I got no reply from my mom, I knew that meant she as out of the house. Usually this would mean for me to spend the whole day lazying around because I was free to, but today I had stuff to get done, and that included finding the cat. It’d been only three months and he's already grown three times the size from when I found him, he's getting pretty close to his full grown self, though not quite there yet. 

I sighed after another ten minutes of looking for the cat, then decided to just make some food and watch Tv for a little bit. Cheeto would usually come out of hiding when I got food out. Still to this day though, his favorite thing to eat is Cheetos, I guess that’s also how he got his name.

I went to the kitchen and pulled out some random things to cook, not really knowing which one I feel like eating at the moment. As I cooked, I looked around, but there was no sign of Cheeto. Usually he would be out here rubbing on my leg, trying to butter me up so I would give him scraps, but he wasn't there. I sighed, finished cooking, then picked out what I wanted to eat before putting the rest in the fridge for later. Then, I migrated to the couch and turned on some real, good ol' fashion cartoons.



I turned off the Tv after a few shows and went to pack my bag, though when I got to my room, I realized that I still hadn't seen or heard the cat. It had been a whole two more hours since I sat down to watch TV, and pretty much 24 hours since I'd last seen the cat. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out, about to leave the house, when my mom entered.

"Mom. Hey, have you seen Cheeto anywhere? I haven't been able to find him."I asked her, still heading towards the front door.

"Yeah, I took that thing to the pound this morning. Finally free of him," She muttered that last part under her breath. 

"you what?" I came to a halt, my voice raising as I turned and looked at her in shock.

"You heard me, it was just a waste of space and another mouth to feed." She griped, taking off her coat.

"Why would you get rid of my cat?" my voice rose even louder and she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Don't you use that tone with me." She hissed. "I raised you, isn't that enough?" 

"I'm going." I stated then turned on my heals and once again headed for the door, only stopping when I heard my mom call out again.

"Don't bother going to get him, I made sure they got all the paperwork on his shots and stuff, and they called me not an hour ago saying that they already found a home for him." 

I squeezed my eyes shut, clenched my fist, then counted my heartbeats. The numbers were going by fast, though it seemed to slow down, and as soon as I got to 200, I opened the door and left with a loud slam.  

I didn't care that it was raining or cold, I just needed to get out of there. Time seemed to speed by, though that could of also been because I was speeding, but it also held no meaning. I took the long rout, needing to clear my head. No, what I needed wasn't a drive, it was a fight. I made a couple more turns before I arrived, but when I pulled into the gym's parking lot I spotted a silhouette sitting on the steps.

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