The Bar, Epilogue: Xiaozi

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Xiaozi heard the words and felt the pain. It was that immediate. The words marched from Shancai's lips and traveled through time only to cut into her like jagged shards of glass that threatened to cut her heart into a million pieces. She looked away as Daoming Si pulled Shancai in for a hug, and she blinked fast to try to keep the tears from falling. She was happy for them, really, she was. Shancai was a good friend. And she loved Daoming Si enough to wish for his happiness.

Mostly, she was sad for herself. How did she get here anyway, loving a guy who clearly didn't love her back? If only she had never laid eyes on him, never crossed his path. But was that really the answer? Would it have been better to never know him, never love him? Or was she still fortunate to know that she was capable of feeling and giving a love this great? Was it true what everyone else said, that it was better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all? If it was, then why did it have to hurt so badly?

She looked around the room, avoiding looking at the happy couple, when her gaze landed on Meizuo. He was looking at her sympathetically, and his gaze told her that he knew exactly what she was feeling. He raised his glass and tipped it slightly to her, and she remembered that night at the bar. "To us fools," they had said then. He looked better now than he did that night. He must be recovering well from losing Caina. But she looked at him again and suddenly saw a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. So she knew-- he was happy for his friends, but sad for himself, wondering when this day would come for him too. Just like she was.

She gave him a small smile and a quick nod, tipping her glass to him too. Even from across the room, she wanted to reassure him that this day would come for them. That when it came to love, they would be fools no more. She felt her heart skip a beat when Meizuo smiled back at her, and she marveled at that feeling. She never quite got that from Daoming Si. Looking at Meizuo now, she couldn't help but smile. Love truly moved in mysterious ways, and who knew where this shared look, these secret smiles would take her? All she knew was her heart was going to be just fine, skipping beats and all.

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