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"What is Jimin?" Taehyung asks at the dinner table. Everyone seemingly disregards his question.

Except for Jimin.

"I'm human, what do you mean" he says and continues eating.

"Are you an experiment? How did you do that? Why did the moon change colours?"

"Taehyung, what are you talking about?" Jungkook asks.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon questions the name

"Well Jimin healed me yesterday. My lungs were freezing up and then he came and it just.. went away" Taehyung says, everyone ignoring Namjoons small comment.

"now that you mention that, there have been times on missions where Jimin could have been killed or injured badly but he walks away without a scratch" Jin says, everyone humming in agreement.

A few days ago Jimin had jumped out of a moving car and was practically untouched.

"Jimin is also the least to get hurt, which is weird since he's always the one putting himself in the worst situations compared to us " Yoongi adds.

"You're all crazy" Jimin scoffs and walks away from the dinner table. A feeling of guilt taking over him. How much longer does he have to hide this secret?


"Jimin, be safe and protect the people of this Earth." His mother tells him before pressing a kiss to his wrist, a small moon appearing shortly after.

"I hope you make the right choices"


"Jimin?" Hoseok calls, slowly opening the door to reveal the boy laying down in bed.

"Will they hate me?" He asks, peeking up to look at Hoseok. He was the only one to know everything about him. After all, he was the one who found him.

"They won't, they love you for you. And even if they do, you'll always have me" he reassures him and presses a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you Hoseok" he says quietly.

"Anything for you, my prince"

Short chap OOF

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