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"Is he okay?" Jin asks

For the last few days, Taehyung had been unable to move much. He said he was able to but it just hurt. Everyone was worried because not even Yoongi knew what was wrong. And Taehyung seemed like he wasn't going to be telling anytime soon.

Jungkook shrugs and looks to the boy who was laying down on his back staring at the ceiling.

"he won't tell me whats wrong.. I think he might be coming to terms with the injections but I really don't know anymore" He responds sadly, his voice coming off low and almost as if he's going to cry.

"I'll bring dinner soon" Jin pats his shoulders and leaves the room.

Jungkook sits on the bed beside the boy and plays with his hair.

"Pictures" Taehyung mumbles, his eyes slowly closing.

"Pictures?" Jungkook questions, he follows Taehyung's gaze to the black box that sat in his dresser.

"Oh.." he whisper mumbles and goes to get the box.

He positions Taehyung so he's sitting up right, until he notices something. Taehyung seemed to be moving on his own, without wincing in pain.

"Let's start with this one! It was our first day in second grade. I was very nervous and scared so you held my hand the entire day"

It showed pictures of the two boys with their backpacks holding hands from behind as they entered the school.

"This is when you fell off the swing and I helped you"
There was Taehyung on the floor while Jungkook stood beside lending the boy his hand.

Jungkook continued telling Taehyung about all the little pictures. Saving some for other days.

"These all stop after a certain year, how come?"

Jungkook gets silent as he closes the box and places it back to its original spot.

He holds Taehyungs hand and stares into his one blue and one brown eye. Immediately furrowing his eyebrows. Does that mean he had come to terms with his injected side?

"My mother was the one who took pictures of us before she passed away" Jungkook says quietly.

His eyes widen as Taehyung pulls him in for a hug.

"I thought it moved to hurt?" Jungkook says teasingly as he hugs the boy back.

"It stopped a few hours after you brought me to your room, I just liked you touching me" he says with a small smile.

"Is that so?" Jungkook asks, pushing the boy down so he's now on top of him.

"Why don't I touch you some more, hm?"

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