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"Good morning Taehyung"

The white haired boy is met with his crush too close to his face the second he wakes up. It was quite uncommon for Dr. Jeon to meet Taehyung in his room, but today seems to be one of those lucky days.

"G-go-od m-morn-ing" Taehyung whispers out, sitting up straight and smiling at the brown haired doctor. The first thing Taehyung notices is the absence of the needles. And instead he's met with a smoothie.

"There's no needles today because the experiments have stopped" he says with a smile as he hands Taehyung the drink. The boys eyes widen in shock.



"Only yours of course. The studies have shown that you have not changed in a year. Making them believe that you have reached maximum capacity" he says as he runs his fingers through the boys milky white hair.

"W-wha-t wi-ill ha-pp-en t-to m-m-me?"

The smile on Dr. Jeons face grows as he leans in close to Taehyung. Their lips touching softly as he pecks his lips.

"You-" he smiles, taking the cup away from Taehyung and placing it on the bedside stand "get to live with me" he finishes, grabbing Taehyung roughly and connecting their lips for another kiss. Except, this one lasts longer and is more rough and passionate than the others.

"R-rea-l-l-lly?" Taehyung gasps in excitement when he's pulled away from the kiss. He wraps is arms around Jungkook, hugging him tightly as the doctor chuckles.


By the time the next week had rolled around Taehyung was sitting in a living room with Jungkook, watching the news to learn about current events.

He sits on Jungkooks lap, the elder running his fingers through Taehyungs hair.

"I-I do-don't u-under-st-stand" Taehyung mumbles as he watches the news reporter speak.

"Don't understand what sweetheart?"

"W-wh-hy p-peop-le k-kill?" He questions.

Jungkook frowns before turning Taehyung so he's straddling him and says, "some people are very messed up baby" he whispers softly, turning off the tv so silence engulfs them.

Taehyung leans against Jungkooks chest, listening to his heartbeat which relaxes him.


The boy says, the aforementioned eyes widening as he realized Taehyung didn't stutter at all.

"Yes baby?"

"I-I wa-want t-to h-hav-ve b-bab-by"

Jungkooks eyes widen before he bursts out laughing. Taehyung is crowding his arms and pouting out of embarrassment.

"You can't have a baby Taehyung, only females can"

"Th-thas n-no f-fair!"

Jungkook chuckles before leaning in and pressing their lips together softly.

"You're too cute" he mumbles softly.

"I-I kn-know"


Experiment KT-9512 (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now