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Taehyung whines, trying to take off the white gloves.

"Taehyung, we're going into the public and I know you're in control but we need to be safe" Jungkook kisses his forehead and begins zipping up Taehyungs coat.

"I-I f-fee-el lik-e a b-bab-by" he stutters, pinching himself with each stutter.

Upon noticing this Jungkook takes Taehyungs hand away from the spot on his wrist he was pinching and kisses the now red skin.

"You're my baby, and stop hurting yourself. Your stutter will go away when we start speech therapy, now common I want ice cream"


The two walk hand in hand, much like the night a few weeks ago. It's amazing to think how much had happened in such a short amount of time.

They walk to the ice cream parlour and even though it was winter, it was still booming with business.

It was around evening time so it wasn't as busy as it was in the afternoons but there were still many people.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung looked at each flavour like a little child. Not letting his hand go away for a second.

"What can I get you?" A short brown haired girl asks.

"Can I get a chocolate for me and for him..."


The girls smiles and nods before going to get their ice creams.

"Taehyung" Jungkook says and takes the boys hand away from his wrist. "I said stop hurting yourself" he says sadly.

The boy apologizes, the sad aura disappearing as their ice creams come.


"W-what d-do y-you a-and th-the bo-y-y's d-do?" Taehyung asks as he eats his ice cream. The two walk home, still hand in hand.

"Well, because of Namjoon and Yoongi, our technology is more advanced. But, we're like better policemen. We usually wear masks as we help the police, since we don't want them knowing who we are"

Taehyung hums as he listens to Jungkook speak.

"Mainly consists of stopping bombs, investigating murders and stuff like that"

"H-how d-did y-you me-eet th-em?"

A sad smile takes over Jungkooks face.

"A few years after my mother passed away, I told my step mother and father I was gay. They didn't like it. At all. I wrote a note, and ran away. I attempted in the middle of the road. I ran hoping that something would happen. And something did. Jin walked out of the car and the rest is history"

Taehyung almost feels like crying. The fact that he could still be in the labs, with injections if it weren't for Jungkook has him feeling all sensitive.

Ice creams all done and hands freed up, he hugs Jungkook. Tightly.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I lo-lov-e y-yo-u"

Jungkook smiles and pulls Taehyung in for a kiss.

"I love you too taehyungie"

Not the end of the book


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