Chapter the Seventh: I Need You

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Makoto and Kyoko finally arrived at the school infirmary. The school day was already over, but Kyoko had already talked Ultimate Nurse Mikan into staying for them. Her arms were starting to ache, as was Makoto's, but they had to support Mukuro. She was on the verge of passing out, and was weak from what she'd been though, and she needed their support.
"We're nearly there." Makoto tried to encourage her, plastering a smile on to his face. She made one very small nod, stumbling yet again. He caught her, watching as Kyoko opened the infirmary door. Mikan was wrapping her arm in a bandage when the door opened. She jumped up and ran over.
"You're here. I was getting worried something had gone wrong." Mikan said to Kyoko, taking over. She helped Mukuro on to a bed, getting to work on medical care. "You two can go now. Come back tomorrow so Ikusaba-san can sleep." Mikan told them timidly, not even looking at her underclassmen as she got to work tending to Mukuro's injuries. Kyoko nodded, leaving the room with Makoto behind her.
"I'll talk to you later. You should probably let Enoshima-san know what is going on with her sister." Kyoko suggested to him, walking back to her dorm. Makoto headed back to his room too, taking his phone from his pocket. He noticed several missed called from Sayaka. He sent a quick text to Junko before deciding to call Sayaka.
"Makoto-kun, where have you been all day?" She asked, having answered almost immediately. She sounded worried about him. He sighed a little as he kept walking.
"I had to find Ikusaba-san. She went missing, remember?" He said to her. He could almost hear Sayaka pouting. "I found her though. I thought you were in rehearsals all of today, what's with all the calls?" He asked.
"Rehearsals were cancelled today. I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend." She whined down the phone. He felt bad now. They didn't get to spent that much time together due to all her rehearsals, and now they'd lost another day together because he went to find Mukuro. He didn't regret it though. He'd saved her life.
"I'm sorry babe. What about tomorrow?" He asked as he reached his door, fumbling around in his pocket for his room key. He wanted to spend time with her. He had so much love in his heart to shower her with.
"I can't. I have a rehearsal tomorrow." She told him. He frowned as he went into his room, sitting on the bed. Looked like he was still going to be mostly on his own, with Sayaka in rehearsals and Mukuro currently in the infirmary recovering. "I have to go now. Goodnight Makoto-kun." She ended the call before he had the chance to say good night in response.

Mikan stayed awake the whole night taking care of Mukuro, and now she was exhausted. Mukuro was sleeping, shivering under the thin blanket Mikan had found for her. She thought for a moment before hesitantly climbing into the bed beside her. Mikan was fairly warm, she knew that, and she hoped she'd at least be able to warm her enough so she'd stop shivering. She gently wrapped her arms around Mukuro, her eyes closing. She was out like a light within minutes, not even noticing when Junko entered the room half an hour later.
"Whore! What are you doing in bed with my sister?" She snapped at Mikan, causing the timid nurse to wake up immediately. She let go and jumped out of the bed, knocking the blanket on the floor in the process.
"I'm sorry!" She cried, shaking. Junko smirked and sat down on the chair beside Mukuro's bed as she woke up. The commotion had disrupted her sleep. Junko turned her attention to Mukuro, silently waving her hand at Mikan to shut her up.
"How ya feeling sis?" Junko asked, sitting up and staring at her. She hadn't seen her in a few days, and could tell she wasn't quite the same. She wasn't going to talk about despair right now. Not with Mikan around.
"Hungry... thirsty... tired..." Mukuro told her, trying to force herself to sit up. Junko pushed her back with some force, narrowing her eyes for a moment.
"Tsumiki-san, babe, do me a favour. You know what'll be best for her to eat and drink, go get it for me." Junko asked, giving her a sickly sweet smile. Mikan nodded and rushed out, almost but not quite tripping into some embarrassing pose. As soon as she was gone, she jumped on the bed right next to Mukuro. "I bet it was despairing, right?" Junko asked, getting excited. Mukuro looked up at her, keeping relatively still. She just watched her twin, happy she was interested in her like this. "Being kidnapped and locked away who knows where, left unable to eat, sleep or drink. Being isolated and completely alone, wondering how much longer your body had before it couldn't keep going. Oh the despair sounds incredible!" She continued on, laying back on top of her. She got up soon after, sitting back on the chair beside her. "You'd better not die on me any time soon. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love the despair your death would bring, but I actually need you to make my plan work." Junko told her, causing her to smile shyly. It felt incredible to know Junko actually needed her, that she wasn't disposable to her.

Sayaka left her rehearsal at around 7pm to a surprise. Waiting outside was Makoto, holding a bouquet of flowers for her. Her mouth opened in shock slowly as she walked over to him.
"Makoto... what's all this?" She asked in shock as he handed the flowers to her. He blushed and smiled sheepishly, looking at the smile that was forming on her face.
"We've hardly spent any time together since we became a couple, I propose tonight is all about us." He told her, taking hold of her free hand. He really could be a gentleman if he wanted to, and Sayaka was impressed. "We could go see a movie, or get dinner, whatever you want." He told her. She nodded and smiled back, gripping his hand.
"Let's just get McDonalds, go back to the dorms and watch a movie. One we can sing along to and just have a good time." She suggested to him. He nodded and walked with her to the nearest McDonald's, excited to finally spend time with Sayaka. This was almost like a date for them.

Silence filled the nurse's office, with Mukuro looking around. Mikan has gone home, and now Mukuro was alone. She didn't know why, but she'd expected Makoto to come see her today. She remembered him being the one to bring her here. Him, and Kyoko, but she'd dropped by on her way out just to check on her. She was starting to get lonely.
"Mukuro? You okay?" She heard Makoto's familiar voice, turning to the door. A disappointed feeling washed over her when she saw he wasn't there. She was alone, the demons playing with her mind again. She laughed dryly, sitting herself up.
"You're not there, Makoto. I really wish you were though." She said, almost like she was talking to herself. Silence soon filled the nurse's office again, and she realised just how alone she really was. She really needed someone.

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