Chapter the Eleventh: Protective

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Mukuro and Makoto entered his bedroom, both dripping wet from the rain. He had his arm around her as though he was supporting her, closing the door behind them both.
"You should take a shower to warm up Mukuro-san." Makoto encouraged, noticing she was shivering slightly. She had been all the way from the roof to their dorm.
"No. It's okay. I'll go back to my room and shower. I can get some clothes then too." She suggested, holding Makoto's damp jacket closer for a moment. He shook his head. He didn't really want her to be alone for any time after what had happened earlier.
"I insist. I'll lend you some of my clothes for the night while your uniform dries. You should fit into something I've got anyway." He laughed awkwardly. She quietly walked over to the bathroom, just accepting it. She didn't feel like arguing at all, especially over something so small. He went over to the wardrobe and found a shirt and a pair of short she could wear, giving them to her. "Oh, the door is kinda funny. You have to lift the knob before you turn it, otherwise it gets stuck." He told her, opening the bathroom door for her. She went inside and found some towels. "I'll be in my room. You haven't got anything to worry about." He reassured her.
"Thank you, Makoto." Her voice was soft and timid, managing to crack a weak smile before closing the bathroom door. He decided to change out of his damp clothes while he had the room to himself. He was feeling more exhausted by the moment. Any adrenaline or energy that had built up from what had happened on the roof had diminished to almost nothing.

Makoto was awoken that morning by two things. The first was his alarm, but the second was something holding him in a tight bear hug. It took a moment to realise it was just Mukuro, deep in sleep beside him. They'd shared the bed that night, since Makoto had insisted she should stay with him. Both insisted the other share the bed, so this was a suitable compromise. She looked so peaceful yet so troubled.
"Mukuro..." he mumbled tiredly, trying to shake her awake. She groaned and let go a little, taking a few minutes to properly wake up. She noticed how she was holding him, and swiftly let go.
"Sorry..." she mumbled quietly. She let out a tired yawn and sat up. He sat up too. They both fell silent, with neither knowing what to say. He got up and made his side of the bed, glancing over at the radiator where Mukuro's clothes had been drying overnight.
"Your clothes should be dry for school now." He told her, looking back at her to see she hadn't moved from the bed at all. She was zoned out. "Mukuro?" He asked, waving his hand in front of her face a little. She blinked and looked up at him, shrinking back slightly.
"Can I stay here today? I don't feel like going to class today." She asked quietly. She didn't feel ready to see Junko after disobeying her order to jump off the roof the night before. Makoto nodded slowly. While he wasn't confident about leaving her alone, he wanted to trust her. She wasn't looking entirely healthy either.
"Alright. I'll leave my key with you, and I'll bring you food after class. Try and rest today, alright? You look like you need it." Makoto told her, smiling and stroking her cheek momentarily. it was warmer than it should've been. Her blushing caused him to pull away, laughing a little with embarrassment.
"Alright. Thank you." She laid back down, holding the covers tighter as she drifted off back into sleep. Makoto got a clean uniform from his locker, looking over at her with a smile.

Mukuro... I never thought I'd meet a girl like you... you're so strong, but vulnerable too... I'm glad I got to save you... you're my best friend...but... why it feels like there's something more between us...

He entered his classroom alone, immediately being hit with the sound of loud crying. He came closer to the sound, seeing Junko day on a desk dramatically sobbing and wailing. In her hand was an opened envelope with her name on it. She looked at him and wailed louder for a moment.
"Makoto! My sister... she... she committed suicide! And nobody's telling me anything!" She cried loudly. Makoto was a little taken aback. He knew Mukuro was completely fine, because he'd saved her.
"Enoshima-san, calm down." He came closer and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. She sniffled and looked at him, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "She's okay. I saw her on the roof and talked her down. She's in my room resting. Please, it's okay." He comforted her gently. Junko took a moment, before tightly hugging Makoto. She was annoyed Mukuro hadn't listened to her, but she didn't want anyone seeing. Certainly not Makoto.
"Thank you, Naegi-kun." She said softly into his ear, sounding relieved. Makoto rubbed her back in a comforting way, a faint smile on his face. He didn't realise her misery was almost entirely false.

Junko was dead silent as she entered the reserve course area of Hope's Peak, looking around. She needed a favour doing for her, and she was certain some students around here would help. She approached a group of boys messing around, clearing her throat.
"Excuse me, boys. I need a favour doing." Junko told them in her normal valley girl voice. She batted her eyelashes, flirting with them.
"What is it?" One of them asked, falling quickly for her charm. She giggled and took a picture from her bag, showing the boys.
"This boy needs a beat down. He's been rather awful towards me and my darling twin sister." She made up a sob story that they would fall for, changing to a very sad demeanour. "He's been so awful to us, especially her. He even drove her to attempt suicide. Please, give him such a good beating up. I'll pay you good when the deed is done. Just... don't let him know we're behind it. I'm scared he'll only make her life worse if he knows. She's petrified of him, and I'm anxious around him too." Junko feigned wiping a tear away, melting the hearts of the students she'd struck up a conversation.
"Don't worry, Enoshima-san. We'll make sure this little bastard regret doing anything to you or your sister." The ringleader of the group assured her, taking the picture and passing it to his friend. She smiled momentarily, before placing her hand on her chest and changing her expression to a slightly sadder one.
"You're so kind to me. Please, do this as soon as you can. I'm afraid something will happen to us if he doesn't get his beat down soon." She told them. After getting assured it would be done, Junko turned and walked away. A shit eating grin appeared on her face. Phase one of her despair inducing plan complete, now to wait for the damage to be done to Makoto.

On his way back to the dorms, Makoto decided to stop at a nearby chicken takeout and get some food for him and Mukuro to share. He was listening to music on his phone, not really paying attention until he bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry." He apologised, not looking up from the floor. He stepped aside, bumping into someone else. He looked up, seeing he was surrounded by the group of boys Junko had spoken to earlier in the day.
"Damn right you should be sorry, punk." The first boy he bumped into said coldly, grabbing Makoto's shirt. Makoto was very surprised. He looked around, and saw no way out. He picked Makoto up by the shirt, dropping him.
"Yeah, we'll make you sorry." A second boy interjected. Two boys from behind each grabbed one of Makoto's arms, restraining him.
"H-huh?" He was really confused, and a little scared. He'd never been in a situation like this before. The first boy raised his fist, and before Makoto had time to even realise what was happening, he punched him in the gut. Makoto gasped, but the second boy swiftly punched his chest. That was when he started to realise what was happening to him. He started to struggle, but that made them restrain him harder, and the punches and kicks come swifter and harder.
"You know what you've done to deserve this, bastard. The ringleader shouted, punching Makoto in the nose hard enough to make it bleed. He stopped fighting, just hoping they wouldn't kill him. They didn't seem to have murderous intent, just a beating would suffice for now. By the time they were done, all he could do was curl up on the concrete floor. As the boys walked away, all he could think of was Mukuro. She must be waiting, and worrying about him. She was all he could think of right now, and he had no idea why.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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