Chapter the Eighth: Your Death Is My Despair

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The next morning, Junko INSISTED on talking to Mukuro alone. Mikan had allowed it, busying herself in the chem lab. Mukuro was awake, looking like she hadn't slept at all which she hadn't.
"You know, I was thinking, and I think it would've been more despairing for me if you'd never been found." Junko told Mukuro, brushing a lock of hair over her shoulder. Mukuro just looked at her, frowning in dismay. "Even better, you'd died before you were found. Then you would've given that Naegi boy you love a healthy dose of despair. Wouldn't that have been great?" She sighed and folded her arms. Mukuro bit her lip, looking down. She was confused and saddened. All she had wanted was to be back with her, and it seemed like Junko didn't want anything to do with her right now.
"What do you mean?" Mukuro tentatively asked, forcing herself to sit up and look at Junko. She still wasn't herself, that would take time, but she was trying her best.
"Kill yourself." Junko's response was blunt and to the point, but Mukuro was taken back by surprise. Of all the things Junko could've said to her, that was not something that had crossed her mind.
"You want me to commit suicide?!" Mukuro asked as her voice unstuck itself in her throat. Junko laughed, roughly grabbing and shaking Mukuro's shoulder enough to make her a little dizzy.
"No you moron! Well, not exactly." She pushed Mukuro and jumped up on to the gurney. She grabbed Mukuro's shirt and pulled her closer so there was mere inches between them. "It must be so despairingly heartbreaking to watch the one you love with someone who doesn't appreciate him. He hasn't even come to see you even though he said he was so worried about you. All you can do is give up. Stop eating or drinking until that takes your life. Let yourself die while everyone who pretends to care tells you that this isn't healthy." Junko said darkly into her twin's ear. Mukuro's mouth hung open, not knowing how on earth she was going to respond. Junko wanted her dead. That's all she was hearing.
"B-But why? Don't you need me anymore?" Mukuro asked timidly, her eyes wide as she watched everything Junko did. Junko sighed and shoved her back into a laying position and got off the gurney.
"Of course I need you, and that why it would be so despairing to have you die." Junko told her, sounding frustrated that she had to explain everything to her. Mukuro nodded slowly.
"I see, but I can't die while you still need me." She was actually relieved that Junko still wanted and needed her. Junko pouted and rolled her eyes, getting up.
"Well, I might need you, but I'm bored of you now. Bye!" Junko giggled and sprinted off, going to class. Mukuro frowned and curled up on the bed, staring blankly at the door waiting for someone to come in.

Makoto was alone again, since Sayaka was going to be at rehearsals until 10pm. He got along well with everyone, but only really felt close to Sayaka and Mukuro. He thought his day was going to be dull and lonely, until Hina approached his table.
"Hey Naegi-kun. Me and some of the others are going skating tonight after school. Wanna come with?" She asked, smiling brightly and sitting on his desk. Her positive energy definitely brightened up Makoto's dull mood.
"Sure. Sounds fun." He nodded. Hina got up and left, probably to invite someone else. He sighed and looked around, not expecting the classroom door to open when it did. Class wasn't supposed to start for another five minutes, so he didn't think it would be the teacher. He certainly didn't think it would be Mukuro, but in she stumbled. She certainly wasn't back to full health, but she certainly was better than when she'd been found. He got up and walked over, grabbing her hand to keep her from tripping.
"Are you okay? Shouldn't you be resting?" He asked, very concerned. She nodded, standing herself up. She held on to his hand in return, not wanting him to let go. He didn't.
"I'm fine." She said plainly, looking at him for the first time since she found out Makoto was dating Sayaka. She wasn't so sure she liked seeing him concerned. "I just need to take it careful. I'll be fine, don't worry about me." She insisted. Makoto nodded, trying to relax a little. Still he worried for her.
"Ikusaba-san!" Hina ran over and practically jumped on her, causing her to panic a little and grip Makoto's hand with a strength that caused Makoto to yelp slightly. "Sorry!" Hina got off Mukuro, but that didn't loosen her grip on Makoto's hand even a little. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come skating with me and Naegi-kun and some of the others after school." Hina stumbled over her words out of embarrassment.
"Sure." Mukuro said plainly as Makoto pulled his hand away from hers. She let go, putting her hand behind her back and feeling awkward. Hina grinned and ran off again. "Sorry if I hurt you..." she apologised quietly, walking back to her desk. Makoto nodded, watching her as he went back to his own desk.

That day after school, several members of the class gathered at the skating rink. Even Junko had decided to show, although her intentions weren't good. She was trying to make sure Mukuro didn't get close to Makoto. That would be disruptive in all the worst ways for her. Makoto was fairly decent at skating, having been several times with his sister when they were younger. Mukuro was far more unsteady on her feet, much to Junko's amusement. The soldier just tried to focus on staying balanced as she skated around the rink. She wanted to go closer to Makoto and talk to him a little more, but she held herself back.
"Mukuro!" She could've sworn she heard Makoto's voice coming from behind her. She turned, but noticed he was on the other side of the rink. He hadn't called for her, and even if he had she wouldn't have been able to hear him all that well. The turn caused her to stumble and slam into the low wall around the rink. She fell to the floor, looking around.
"Are you okay?" Makoto asked, skating over to her. He had seen her fall, and was kinda concerned. He held his hand out to her, smiling warmly like usual. Junko saw what he was doing, skating over and practically shoving Makoto out the way before grabbing Mukuro's hand and yanking her to her feet.
"There. All better!" Junko said confidently to her, smirking wickedly before turning and skating away. Mukuro was left just standing and rubbing her side. A bruise would surely form from that fall in the morning. Makoto continued to skate around, but found himself constantly looking in Mukuro's direction. He was concerned for her. He could just see it in her eyes that she wasn't happy, that she was deeply troubled by something, but he didn't have it in him to talk to her. That was when Junko approached him.
"What's up? I can tell something is bothering you." She said, pretending to be concerned. In truth, she already knew exactly what was bothering him and what she was going to do.
"There's something wrong with Ikusaba-san, and I want to talk to her but I don't know how to approach the situation." Makoto confided in her. Knowing Junko and Mukuro were siblings, she'd know what would be wrong with her and what would be best for her. Well, he assumed as much.
"Don't." Junko said that one word coldly. Makoto was a little surprised, but not as much as when Junko grabbed his wrist and yanked him to somewhere more private. She clearly wanted to talk privately to him. "Someone broke my sister's heart, and it's not in your or her best interest to talk to her." Junko insisted. She didn't make any kind of hint that it was him who broke her heart, although she did wonder how despairing it would be for Mukuro if she told Makoto her feelings towards him.
"But if she's sad wouldn't it be good to talk it out?" Makoto asked, raising his eyebrow. He knew when he was sad he liked to talk about what made him sad. That cheered him up. Junko sighed and shook her head, folding her arms.
"Naegi-kun, darling. You've known her for a few weeks at most. I've grown up with her from the moment we came into the world together." Junko started, glaring directly into his green eyes. She wondered what Mukuro actually saw in him as she did. "I think I know a hell of a lot more about my sister, like if she's sad and the best thing to do if she is. Just keep your distance." She insisted she turned to walk away, stopping and smirking. "For her sake, and for yours." She then left, leaving Makoto to wonder what the hell had just happened.

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