Chapter 8

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(Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day for those who celebrate it!)

Chapter 8

Sunday 6:00 a.m.


"Up up up!", my mom says, shaking me awake.

"Why?", I moan.

"School.", Mom says in a sing-song voice.

"Why?", I repeat.

"Because I said so. Now get up.", Mom says, sternly this time.

"Ok ok I'm up.", I say stretching.

"Good. Breakfast is almost ready. Be downstairs in ten minutes.", Mom says, leaving the room.

I yawn and stretch again, hearing my back pop. I feel a quick, sharp pain in my chest and wince. I get dressed and ready, go down the stairs, and walk into the kitchen.

"You know Mom, I'm not that hungry. You can eat my breakfast or give it to Dad.", I say, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I'll eat it.", my dad says, jumping up and grabbing the plate of food out of my mom's hand.

"Hey! No! Shelby needs to eat!", Mom says.

"I'm fine Mom. Really. I ate a lot last night at Dakota's.", I say.

"Speaking of, how was your date?", my mom asks.

"It was great! We had a lot of fun.", I say.

"Good, I'm glad.", Dad says.

"Yeah. Anyway, I should probably go. Or I'll be late.", I say backing up.

"Oh honey wait! Your father and I want to drive you to school!", Mom says.

"Andre can't take me?", I ask.

"We gave him the day off.", Dad says.

"Um ok.", I say surprised.

"Come hop in the car.", Mom says. I follow them out the front door to the driveway and get in the car. As we start driving, I open my phone and the home screen shocks me.

"Mom. Dad. My phone says today is Sunday, so we're obviously not going to school. Where are you taking me?", I ask slightly annoyed.

"To see Dr. Kneeman.", Dad says.

"Oh ok.", I say and look out the window.

"Wait, you aren't upset? I thought you didn't want to see him.", Dad says shocked.

"Things change."


"Should I call her? I feel like I should call her.", I say panicked.

"You haven't talked to her for less than 24 hours and you're worried.", Liam replies teasingly.

"She said she would call me this morning! It's the late afternoon and she still hasn't called me Liam!", I exclaim.

"You know there is a wonderful, magical thing called sleeping.", Liam replies.

"Girls wake up early! They don't sleep into the late afternoon!", I say.

"Speak for yourself. My sister once slept till one p.m.! Granted, she didn't fall asleep till 3 a.m. but that's not the point!", Liam says.

"You're not making me feel better.", I say.

"Just give her some space. She'll call you when she's ready. Or awake.", Liam says.

"Yeah you're right.", I say.

"I'm always right.", he replies.

"Ok whatever. I'll talk to you tomorrow?", I ask.

"You know it. Later.", Liam replies.

"Bye.", I say and hit the end button on my phone. Not knowing what to do with myself, I sit down and watch a movie. Halfway through, I get a text.

Shelby<3: Sorry I didn't call you. I was kidnapped by my parents for some family time and wasn't allowed to use my phone.

Parker: It's cool. It's happened to all of us. Just glad you're ok!

Shelby<3: Thanks! Can you meet me at the park across from Ivanka's Ice Cream Shop tomorrow around 5:30?

Parker: Why Ms. Maxwell! I thought it was my turn to ask you on a date!

Shelby<3: You can ask me on the next one!

Parker: Sounds good! See you at 5:30!

Shelby<3: See you!

I sigh contentedly and finish my movie, smiling the whole time.


'Ok ok ok ok Shelby breathe. Everything is fine! In, out, in, out. It's just a text! Just send it already! You sent one to Parker! Granted it took you half and hour to work up the courage but still! Just send it!', I think.

Shelby: Can you meet me after-school by the flag-pole tomorrow?

Jess: Sure!

'See that wasn't so hard! Now just breathe Shelby, breathe. You'll be fine! You'll be fine! No need to make Mom and Dad more panicked than they already are.', I think.

As I pace around my room, a coughing fit starts. Once I've finished, I see my hands are covered in what looks like red paint. "Mom!", I call.


"Parker! Honey we're home!", I hear my mom call. I walk to the front of the house and see my parents guiding Ellie to a chair in the dining room.

"Sooo, how was your dentist appointment?", I ask, trying not to laugh at how silly my sister looks.

"I had three teeth removed!", Ellie says while holding up two fingers. I burst out laughing and my parents join in.

Ellie, looking disgruntled, says, "I'm telling my parents you're being mean!", which makes us laugh harder.

(Didn't I tell you I would get a chapter out today hamsterhero28? :)

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