Chapter 15

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Friday 12:22


I sit in shock for a while, trying to control my thundering heart.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I completely understand. You just have to know how I feel about you.", Parker adds.

"Parker, you're not just saying that because I'm sick, right? I already said that if you were gonna pity me, you could leave.", I say.

"Shelby, since when have I ever pitied you? I think the world of you. You're beautiful and kind. You're a fighter, yet somehow you're the most gently person I know. How could I ever think less of you when you're dealing with something out of your control? I've never been more sure of anything in my life, than I am of my love for you. I love you Shelby. I will love you till the day I die, and even after that.", Parker says, bringing tears to my eyes.

"What if I die first?", I ask sadly.

"Then I will still love you.", Parker says, grabbing my hand.

I smile and say, "I love you too."


"YOU DID WHAT???", Liam shouts.

"I told her I loved her.", I say calmly.

"What did she say?", Zach asks.

"She told me she loved me back.", I say, smiling.

"So you two love each other?", Zach asks.

"Yup! Why is this so shocking to you?", I say.

"You just never struck us as the type of person that falls in love as a teenager.", Liam answers.

"Did you only say it because she's dying?", Zach whispers, even though we're alone.

"No! Why does everyone keep assuming that?", I exclaim.

"Dude, she has cancer. That's a pretty good reason to-", Liam starts, but is cut off by my phone ringing. I hit the answer button quickly without seeing the caller I.D.

"Hello?", I answer.

"Parker guess what!! Guess!", Shelby exclaims excitedly.

"You love me?", I say teasingly.

"Well yes, but that's not what I mean! I just got my test results back! One of my tumors is gone!", Shelby exclaims.

"Gone? Like disappeared never-to-be-seen-again gone?", I say.

"Gone! As in, my new treatment is working!", Shelby says, making my heart swell with excitement.

"Oh my goodness that's great!", I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see Liam and Zach raise their eyebrows in curiosity.

"Oh I'm so excited! Okay I have to go! I have to call everyone else!", Shelby says.

"Am I the first person you called?", I ask.

"Well duh! Anyway, I'll talk to you later! Oh and don't tell Liam and Zach! I want to be the one to call them!", Shelby adds.

"Got it. Bye!", I say.

"Bye.", Shelby says. As soon as I hang up, Liam and Zach have to know what happened.

"What was that all about?", Zach asks.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid that information is confidential.", I say, smirking.

"Are you kidding me? You can't have a conversation like that and expect us not to have questions!", Liam says.

"Well too bad.", I say, glancing at their phones, waiting for them to light up with a call from Shelby.

'Please let it be Zach's first. If it is, he'll help me keep it from Liam.', I think.

"Why do you keep glancing at out phones?", Liam asks me.

"No reason.", I reply quickly, averting my eyes. Liam stands up and walks over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"What. Do. You. know?", he asks, roughly shaking my shoulders.

"More than you.", I say smugly.

"That's it! I give up! I don't know why I try anymore!", Liam exclaims. "I'm getting a snack."

Liam starts to walk away, but at that moment, his phone lights up. I snatch it up before he can grab it and look at who it is.

"Parker's Girlfriend? Really?", I say disapprovingly.

"I need to change it to 'Parker's Teen Love'.", Liam retorts, snatching his phone out of my hand.


"So this is real? You're actually getting better?", Parker asks.

"I actually am!", I exclaim, running my hands through my hair.

"Okay good. At least now I don't have to return the flowers I got you.", Parker says.

"Flowers? What flowers?", I ask, tensing up.

"The dozen flowers I'm having delivered to your place.", Parker replies.

"Why....why did that?", I ask.

"I can't give flowers to my girlfriend?", Parker asks, obviously puzzled. I suck in a breath, trying to ignore the anger building up.

"I thought I... I told you I didn't want you to give me things just because of cancer.", I say with false calm.

"Well should I...should I return them?", Parker asks, trying to understand what's happening.

'Don't do this Shelby. Don't do this, don't do this.', I think desperately.

"No just...", I trail off, knowing what's coming. "Why can't you understand? I don't want this cancer to be part of me! I want to be free! Of everything and everyone! I never should have told you!"

"Shelby, where is this coming fro-", Parker starts.

"The fact that you don't know is what's wrong!", I yell. I hear my parents running up the stairs. I only have a few seconds. "I think you should go."

Parker just sits frozen, staring at me with hurt eyes.

"Fine then. I'll make it easier on you, and I'll leave.", I say.

I turn around and walk out, slamming the door behind me.

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