Chapter 20

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Matt's POV

"How was it sir?"

"I hate when you're playing sad songs on the piano. What's wrong with you?"

"Everything... Just be thankful that I played a song to you today."

"I don't like your attitude."

"And I don't like being judged by idiots who don't even know what has happened to my life."

"Well, I will leave now. Thank you for the money. I'll see you on Friday."

"Goodbye sir."

"Goodbye Matthew!"

He leaves my mansion and I stay alone. I sit on the couch placing my hand on my head. Silence is the only thing I can listen. It is a cold day. In my fireplace, there is a fire burning the pieces of woods I have put in there.

My eyes fall on the fireplace. I'm watching the fire burning and the flames dancing around it. That relaxing sound of those little explosions that the fire makes calmed me down.

Then, it hits my head. That figure I have been thinking for days is on my mind again. I want to be next to that figure. I want to feel again that flame we both were feeling when we were together. Yes, I could feel flames not sparks. Just flames. Fire!

I hope she is okay. I hope she will be fine. I will stay here, in my darkness, watching the flame lighting up my living room and burning everything on its way. I will stay here under the black sheets of my bed, laying all alone starring at my black ceiling.

I will go to my work and I will been working in my dark office. I will be going on meetings without someone to go with. I will walk to the grocery store and I will see young couples around me. I will be alone. I will die alone. I will live my whole life alone.

Because that witch known as my ex girlfriend cursed me!

Your POV

"Are we there yet?"

"In a bit."

"You are driving so slow Hudson!"

"I'm scared to drive fast."

"I' will take a taxi next time."

"Hey, I took a day off work today to drive you to Matt's house."

"You had a day off anyways."

"Well, a day off my friends and the field duh!"

"I think I can see the house."

"That's a museum Y/n!"

"No. That's not a museum. Look at the photograph Miss Morris gave me."

He looks at the photograph and then at me.

"For once you said something useful."

"Just drive me there idiot."

He speeds up the car and drives me to Matt's mansion. As we arrive, I open the door and I get out off the car.

"Go! Get you man back Y/n!"

"Shut up Hudson!"

He laughs and I roll my eyes. I run to the front door and I quickly ring the doorbell.

Matt's POV

Someone rings my doorbell. I walk to the door still thinking about Y/n. I sigh and I open it with my eyes been closed. I open them and they instantly meet Y/n's.

I feel our flame lighting up again. I keep looking at her until I finally manage to say something.

"Y-Y/n? Is that-"

Before I complete my sentence, she grabs me by my shirt and she pulls me to her side. She has placed her hand on my neck and she smashes her lips against mine. I don't know how to react at first but then I kiss her back.

I pull her inside my house not breaking the kiss. She pins me to the wall without taking her lips off mine. This is a kiss I will never forget! I feel the inside of me burning me. I feel the fire, the flames! She slowly disconnects our lips and I look into her beautiful eyes.

"I'm so so sorry for not believing you! I should have trusted you!"

"It is okay. Don't worry!"

I hug her and she wraps her arms around me. I feel her warm tears on my jumper. I kiss her forehead trying to calm her down. I can feel my heart beating so fast. I swear I've never felt this way not even with my ex.

"Hey hey hey! Don't cry! Please! I don't like seeing you crying!"

"I-I'm just really sorry Matt! I should have trusted you! I'm such an idiot!"

"It is okay Y/n! I have already forgotten this!"

"No Matt! It's not okay! I accused you, I hurt you and I ignored you for no reason! I can't believe I did that!"

"Let those stuff in the past! Forget those memories! All that matters now is just you and me being together again!"

She calms down as I kiss her head. I feel her tears disappearing from her face. I put my arm on her shoulder and I lead her to the living room. We both sit on the couch staring at the fireplace.

She's still in my hug but this time, she lays her head on my shoulder as her arms are still wrapped around my waist. I have never felt so happy before!


"Yes Y/n?"

"Were you happy with your ex?"

"Huh? Why are you asking?"

"Oh it's nothing. I just wanna know."

"I was never as happy as I am with you now!"

She smiles at me making me smile at her back. She touches my cheek and I gently take her hand locking my fingers with hers. I  for real missed her!

"Matt, I have to go now. Hudson is waiting outside."

"Do... Do you w-want to... to st-stay with m-me tonight? We can watch a movie o-or I can play different songs for you or we can just sit on the couch talking about different  stuff."

"You know you're cute when you are nervous right?"

"I uh... n-no."

"Oh well, now you know."

I smile again. Honestly, no one has complemented me before. Y/n is the first one who did it.

"Thanks! So, what do you say?"

"Let me text Hudson and my mum."

"Is that a yes?"

"If only you drive me to the university tomorrow."

"Of course I will!"

"Then it's a yes!"

(Awe! They're so so cute!)

Falling for a rich guy ~MattyBRaps~ •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now