Malaria | Part 1

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Author's Note:

Before we get started.

I'm trying to structure this story similarly to the manga itself, (almost) following the example of volume 5, which means one overarching story, while each chapter deals with different threat. It also means that I'll be including explanations to new cells and other concepts; if I miss something you want to know more about don't hesitate to ask.

To avoid confusion; when U-1146 and AE3803 are addressing/referring to one another, I'm going to primarily use Hakkekkyū and Sekkekkyū, as they apparently refuse to use their numbers, and to make it easier to distinguish who they are talking to/about. Also thanks to the anime I'm now so used to hearing it.

This story also takes place after chapter 27, but even if you haven't read that far, you should be fine.

Now, let's get started.


For most of the body it was a normal, calm day. Almost all cells went about their business undisturbed and untroubled, blissfully unaware of any potential dangers. Within the liver however, one street was strangely quiet. A few perturbed erythrocytes were nervously discussing the fact that several buildings here, many of which resembled little factories and workshops, had been found empty, or at least their residents had been completely unresponsive.

Minds were not exactly eased by the two leucocytes, who were already at the scene, as even they seemed troubled, as well as displaying fresh bruises they had inflicted on each other. The little fight that had broken out between them upon meeting had only lasted a few seconds, but hadn't inspired confidence in the none-immune cells watching. Now the two were standing next to each other in front of an abandoned house, though tension between them remained like a brewing thunderstorm.

Neither Memory T-Cell nor NK were pleased to be here, once more forced to work together. If they were honest, it was only because Dendritic Cell had asked them to investigate, though he hadn't told them what specifically to look out for. Perhaps even he didn't know.

"This doesn't look like any virus I've ever seen." NK noted grimly, running a finger along a rather small whole in the wall of a hepatocyte's home. Not even her fist could have fitted through it. "Just destruction and not an infected cell in sight."

Memory T-Cell frowned, ignoring his still stinging nose, where her elbow had hit him earlier. "Think it might be cancer again?" Frankly he'd hoped to be rid of him for good after their second encounter, but he knew better than to count on that.

The female lymphocyte shook her head and entered through the nearby door, T-Cell following her somewhat begrudgingly. She had arrived sometime earlier and already taken a look around. "No; there is no sign of proliferation. But I found this." The darkened room was a workshop filled with flasks, stills and various other tools, and in a corner T-Cell saw boxes labelled 'Bilirubin'. Meanwhile NK dragged something out into the light that was falling in through the door behind them, tossing it right in front of the other lymphocyte.

He kneeled down for a closer look, adjusting his cap out of habit. "She's long dead." It was a cell, one of the hepatocytes, but something was strange about the body.


Cells that make up 70 - 85% of the liver's mass, the body's largest gland. Their tasks include: Synthesizing and storing proteins, such as blood proteins like albumin and clotting factors

Storage of glucose (as glycogen) and fat (lipoproteins), giving them a role in regulating the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

Detoxification/ modification of waste products (such as bilirubin, created when haemoglobin is being deconstructed) and other foreign, harmful substances (such as alcohol and drugs)

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