Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Part 2

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The three neutrophils had agreed to meet again near the heart after finishing their patrols, hopefully having drawn some informative sentiments from U-1146 and AE 3803 about each other. 4989 had been the first to make it to the agreed upon meeting point, pacing up and down until his two friends arrived from the superior vena cava.

Together they sat down on one of the many benches along the wall, as far away from the main road as possible. 2626 handed each of them a germ soup, which he'd picked up along the way, but 4989 was too excited to start eating right away. "So, what did you guys uncover?" He asked abuzz, eyes bright, a broad smile on his lips.

The other two exchanged glances, before 2048 answered. "We're pretty certain 1146 has a crush on her."

"I think he even blushed a little at one point." 2626 added amused, while opening his cup carefully to keep the soup from spilling.

"What, really?" 4989 looked surprised, but was feeling a bit disappointed to have missed that. Well, if all worked out, he'd get a chance to see it as well.

2626 nodded. "Yeah, we started talking about how nice and quiet everything was, the usual annoyance of frightened erythrocytes and went on to mention how sweet it is that at least AE 3803 seems comfortable around us. Upon that he started praising her and his cheek went pink." He briefly paused, his smiled fading exchanged by a somewhat bashful expression. "Then I may have noted how fortunate it is that she didn't die from that parasite."

Oh; even 4989 realized that it must have touched a nerve.

"He got real quiet at that point; we were a little worried for a moment." 2048 continued, his expression and tone revealing that 1146's reaction had surprised him. "Seriously, I think I actually have pity with any germ that even attempts to harm her in the future."

"But he probably didn't admit to anything."

2048 shook his head. "Personally I don't think he's even realised it himself; that or he's in denial. I mean romantic relationships aren't commonly our thing, it's usually between erythrocytes. And even among them it's rare." At least as far as they knew.

With them patrolling through the bloodstream, the neutrophils occasionally saw erythrocyte couples, but that didn't necessarily rule out all other types of cell. There were plenty they didn't see on a regular basis after all. But 2048 had a point; it seemed possible that even if 1146 had a crush on 3803 that he didn't knew what those feelings really meant. 4989 himself had only figured it out by observing them both over a period of time and putting all signs together.

Meanwhile 2626 shrugged and started to eat. "In any case I think he's in the right spot to get a little push. How about AE 3803?"

4989 grin made a triumphant return. He hadn't lied when he had told Red Blood Cell that he enjoyed talking to her. She was delightful and fun company; he couldn't help but be in a good mood around her with that cheerful personality and kind disposition. And her demeanour towards 1146 was just adorable.

"Same. She couldn't really stop blushing as we talked about him." 4989 reported satisfied. "When I reminded her how he carried her during the Plasmodium invasion she turned as red as her jacket and earlier her eyes were practically shining when I mentioned how concerned he is with her wellbeing. Not to mention that she really cares about him...about us a little too, which is just so sweet." To think that there was an erythrocyte, who did. "But honestly, I don't think she needs a push, just the courage." From what he could judge she was just too shy to admit her feelings, rather than being unaware. Under the right circumstances, 4989 was convinced the truth would simply blurt out of her.

2048 smiled at this information and nodded. "Well, I guess we have a mission then." He noted.

"Any idea how we should go about it?" 2626 asked, looking up from his soup.

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