Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | Part 1

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It really was a beautiful day. AE 3803 found herself walking along the pulmonary vein back to the heart, almost skipping as she did. It was great to be back and she hadn't gotten lost on her first delivery today! Well, yesterday she had, but that had been her first day, so it wasn't too bad.

Her eyes wandered and while considering what snack to treat herself to, someone called her name. "AE 3803, you're back!"

Startled for a moment the young erythrocyte looked about, before she saw a familiar face in the crowd. Quickly she waved back to the brown-haired erythrocyte running towards her. "Senpai!" She shouted excitedly.

Her mentor put down her box and grabbed her by the shoulder, studying her with a look of obvious concern. "How have you been? Are you feeling alright?" AA 5100 had visited 3803 once during her stay in the bone marrow, but they hadn't seen each other in some time. Back then 3803 had actually just started to walk along the corridor outside her room, at an admittedly slow pace.

"Yep, I'm all good. It's my second day now." The cheery redhead assured her with a bright smile.

This seemed to relieve 5100, however a little frown remained. "So everything's going smoothly?"

"I may have gotten lost once or twice." 3803 admitted with a blush of embarrassment, one of her fingers playing with a curl of her hair.

Her senpai sighed, but thankfully made no comment and finally let go of her shoulders again. "You're not feeling tired or anything?"

"Nope; feeling great actually." Macrophage had been very insistent on having her stay until she had truly recovered. 3803 had protested, but failed to convince the immune cell. At least U-1146 had come to visit her on a pretty much daily basis, undeniably the best part of her days in the bone marrow.

"If you say so." AA 5100 was perhaps not entirely convinced, but nonetheless smiled at her warmly. "Just be careful for the time being, try to take it easy, maybe take a few more breaks, okay?"

"I will, senpai." 3803 promised, amused since 1146 had told her something very similar, when he'd heard of her imminent return to the blood vessels. Honestly, even though it sometimes felt as if she was being treated like an erythroblast, it was nice knowing that so many cared for her wellbeing. It really was great to be back.


It was a slow day and U-2048 had decided to enjoy the peace and quiet with a cup of tea, while watching the erythrocytes that walked past his bench. Like all leucocytes he loved the rush and the thrill of battle, but he still appreciated days like this. It was good to know that everything was alright.

Of course like all things, this didn't last. It was however not a germ that disturbed his break.

A vent nearby opened and U-4989 migrated into the blood vessel, followed by U-2626, making the neutrophil immediately frown questioningly. They were up to something, he just knew it. Not that he was necessarily opposed to whatever they had planned, but he would like to know what it was first.

As expected his two friends were quick to join him. "Hey, 2048. We've been looking for you." 4989 greeted him.

He gave a nod in return. "I thought so. So, what's up?"

"Good question; he wouldn't tell me." 2626 noted just as he sat down on the bench next to him.

"Well, there is something I've been wondering for a while now." The fluffy haired neutrophil began, shifting his weight from one foot to the other in an almost restless manner as he remained standing in front of them. Whatever he had in mind, or planned, it appeared to excite him.

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