Bacillus Subtilis | Part 2

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They'd met! U-4989 couldn't help but grin triumphantly, when he saw his two friends met on their way up the common carotid. It was a relief to see that at least this part had worked out just as planned. Now all they had to do was to keep all distractions at bay.

The idea was simple; 2626 made sure the destination remained clear of any germs, while 2048 and he himself would circle the couple, creating a bacteria free parameter around them. But while simple in principle, the execution was a little more taxing. It wasn't helping that 1146 couldn't notice them; after all, as far as he was concerned they were patrolling in parts of the body far away.

The two neutrophils had to move swiftly in order to fulfil their task. They ran around, eyes on everything, but with the exception of a stray Streptococcus, 4989 encountered nothing. Hopefully 1146's receptor hadn't reacted.

By the time they were in the internal carotid, 4989's transceiver started buzzing. "U-4989 here."

"It's U-2626! I need you two at eye right now." His friend's voice replied; he sounded a little distressed.

"What happened?" 2048's voice chimed in, having received the same call.

"Got a germ, but the damn thing is on the run!" Dammit; not now.

"Know what it is?"

"Not sure. Some Bacillus I think." Came the reply.

The last Bacillus had been a slippery bastard. "You really need us both?" 4989 asked carefully. Despite liking nothing better than to ram his knife into any germ's throat, there would be no one left to cover the two lovebirds.

"Afraid so." 2626 confirmed. "Gotta risk it."

4989 sighed disappointed and looked troubled over his shoulder, back to the inner carotid. Guess they had no choice; hopefully those two would be fine. "On our way. Where are you now?"

"Leaving the iris in pursuit! It seems to be heading deeper into the right eye towards the retina. I'll keep you updated."

"Of course today is the day something happens to the eyes." 4989 couldn't help but begrudgingly state.

2048 reply came with a tone that implied that he disliked this turn of events just as much, but as usual he wasn't too vocal about it. "We can curse Lady Luck after we've killed the germ. Come on!"

"Roger. See you in a few." Time to hurry.


For some time U-1146 and AE 3803 continued on their way in silence. It was awkward, neither really knowing how and where to begin. They walked at the side of the blood vessel, trying to stay apart from the crowd as best as possible. 3803 was staring at her cart, her body betraying just how tense she was and so it was 1146 eventually, who broke the silence.

"I know you've said you felt embarrassed, but there is really no need for what happened at the wash station." He once again assured her and she looked up with a flicker of hope in her amber eyes. "But may I ask why you...?" He simply tapped his check where she'd pecked him.

Her cheeks turned an adorable shade of red. "I don't know; it felt right at the moment." She confessed timidly, her voice rather low. "You're out there every day, fighting, risking your life for this body, for all of us living here, and I'm scared that." She gulped and quickly averted her gaze again, her voice becoming shaky. "That one day I won't see you and perhaps just by chance I'm going to learn of your passing. Every time I see you covered in blood, I'm wondering frightened for a moment if it's yours."

1146 couldn't help but feel warmth return to his cytoplasm at her words. They were of course sombre thoughts, but to know just how much she cared. "It's my job to fight; it's quite literally what I was made to do." He told her, even though he would have liked to ease her mind. "I know it's not what you wish to hear, but all of us leucocytes are both ready and willing to give our lives to defend this world. And we grow up knowing that we one day will, one way or another."

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