What's behind the dark hall?

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It's been 2 weeks since Yerin joined Joy and HaYoung in hunting vampires. Some of the vampires recognized Yerin. But before they could say a word about her, Yerin immediately fired a gun through him and decapitated him. Don't misunderstood Yerin because so far, the vampires they killed really are bad guys.

She's been controlling her strength so that Joy and HaYoung wouldn't notice. Sometimes, she lets the two girls do the job and she'll just watch them.

"That's the last one for today." Joy said then grinned.

"Let's have some samgyeopsal. I'm really famished!" HaYoung said.

"Right after we killed vampires?" Joy asked as she chuckles. HaYoung pouted but she nods.

Yerin is quietly following them to the restaurant. She still can't believe how strong and brave her best friends are for a human being. She's thinking on how she will tell them that she's a vampire also without pointing their guns on her forehead and decapitate her. She's afraid. She's afraid not on being killed, but she's afraid that her best friends might despise her.

"Yah.. Yerin-ah.. you've been quiet since earlier. What are you thinking?" HaYoung asked.

"H-Ha? N-Nothing." Yerin utters.

"Ohh~ It's your first time seeing us like this for 2 weeks." HaYoung said while giggling. Yerin just pretends to smile.

"It's okay, Yerin-ah. You'll get use to this. By the way, tomorrow, I'm gonna show you something." Joy said and flashes an evillish grin on her face. HaYoung looked at Yerin with her eyes widened. Yerin just shrugged it off.


"Waaaah!! I can't believe those two!" Yerin rants in the dorm as she lets herself dropped on the couch.

"Why? What happened?" Yuju immediately sat beside her.

"Two weeks. For two weeks, I've seen them killed those vampires without hesitations. I didn't know they are this strong and brave for a human." Yerin rants.

"I don't know if I could tell them about me. I don't know if I can." Yerin mumbles.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid not because of the fact that they kill vampires. I'm afraid because they might hate me, despise me if they knew. They've been my best friends and I'm really happy being with them. We've been so close since first year. We're always together doing fun things. I can't afford to see them drifting away while their guns are pointing at me, ready to shoot." Yerin started to cry as she utters the words.

Yuju caressed her back while looking at the girls. She doesn't know how to comfort Yerin because she and her best friends met long ago before they did. She doesn't know what to say because she doesn't know how Joy and HaYoung thinks. This is the first time she can't say anything about a situation. Especially about Yerin's situation.

When Sinb looked at Yuju and figured that she doesn't know what to say, she nodded at her and sits beside Yerin.

"Yerin unnie, I know you've been friends to them ever since, and I know and I see how much you trusts each other. But give yourself some time to gather the courage to tell them the truth. Don't rush it. And knowing Sooyoung unnie and Hayoung unnie, I believe they will understand the situation. I trust them also since I met them." Sinb utters.

"I can see how much you makes each other happy. They are your greatest friends among your friends. That's why I believe they won't kill you, they won't kill us. I believe in them." she added, looking at Yerin with her cold but honest eyes.

"Thank you, Sinb-ssi. I'll really try my best. I hope they would forgive me for lying to them ever since we've met. I hope they won't hate me." Yerin then hugs Sinb.

BOOK 2: SUNRISE(Blood and Growls Sequel)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now