Getting settled

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A/N: StitchianMays I hope you enjoyed this little bit :P

"Luke, perhaps we should rent a cabin for a little while. Off the grid somewhere so they aren't seen until this...passes?" Abe suggested.

"What if it doesn't 'pass', Abe? What if they're stuck like this? The whole damned crew is going to be out of a job!" Luke ranted.

"Someone needs a Snickers." Tim sassed making several of the girls' giggle.

Nate did his best to not laugh too. Even in female form, Tim was still the sassiest one around! Cole bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

"I know, Luke, but you need to keep calm. For their sakes and yours." Abe countered, ignoring Tim's comment.

Luke sighed as he ran his hand over his face, "I know. This is just so...weird."

"Trust us... (they all looked over at the group of women who were comparing shoes) ...we know." Frank laughed.

Cole and Abe helped Luke look for a cabin they could all rent. It had to be secluded but still close to a town or city in case they needed anything. They finally found one that would sleep fifteen so Luke quickly rented it. The drive would take a few hours to get there which would give the girls' enough time to repack their bags with their new clothes.

"We could try to fake it for one show and see how it goes. Nate could sub in for Adam. Frank could sub for Rob. We all lip sync." Cole offered.

"Unless we banned any cameras or phones at the show, it would get noticed immediately." Luke shrugged, "Our best bet is to just reschedule shows citing a family emergency or something."

"Yeah, that is true. The Fries notice everything!" Chris laughed.

"When do we need to leave here then?" Lee questions as he joined everyone up front after catching some zzz's.

"Well, this cabin is a few hours away. And we're gonna have to stop and rent vehicles for while we're there." Luke stated, "The next month's shows have been rescheduled including tonight's we can leave whenever I suppose. I need to turn in the rental."


Several hours later and the little caravan was pulling up into the gated property. Luke was driving one SUV and Abe was driving the other. Everyone was to pick rooms since most housed two people. Sami called Chance as they were unloading the bus. He panicked not knowing what to tell his girlfriend so he handed his phone to Luke.

"Uh, hey Sami. Chance is busy right now. We've got a little...uh...complication." Luke tried to explain.

"Complication? Like what?" She frowned even though he couldn't see her.

"Well, why don't you come up and visit. We've rented a cabin that everyone is staying at for a little while. I'll text you the address from his phone." Luke masterfully replied.

"Ok. I'll book a flight for first thing in the morning. Is he ok?" Sami asked.

"For the most part." Luke stated, "See you tomorrow."

Luke texted her the address before handing the phone back to its owner. He grabbed his bags and went to unlock the door. The place was magnificent and was surrounded by beautiful mountains. Tim wanted to go take a shower but he didn't have anything to he wanted to use. All he had was men's stuff.

"LUKE! We gotta to go the store again!" Tim shouted as he exited the room he picked.

Luke groaned, "Why?"

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