Back to...normal?

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The next morning, Adam had gone to use the bathroom and discovered his thighs were covered in blood. He began to freak out much like Tim had done. The blond barely got his pajamas pulled up by the time he rushed out of the bathroom.

"Tim...I'm...blood...what did Sami say to you? What's going on?" Adam couldn't fight the tears that were slipping down his cheeks.

"Blood?" Tim rubbed his eyes as his brain tried to process what Adam was saying to him.

"There's blood all over my thighs and panties, Tim! What's going on? What did Sami say to you?" Adam grabbed Tim's arm, "You said you weren't dying. Were you just saying that for my benefit?"

"What? I wouldn't lie to you, Adam. Go wake up Sami. She can explain it better than I can." Tim scooted over and planted a kiss to Adam's forehead absent-mindedly.

The blond quickly stood up and ran down the hall to Chance, Sami, and Jenika's room. He shook the petite brunette woman awake and whispered in her ear the issues he was having. Tim had padded his way to the bathroom to use the restroom and change his bandages, as he preferred to call them. He felt gross and wondered if that was how Jenika always felt. He was leaving the bathroom when Adam and Sami were coming into the bedroom.

"I tried to reassure him that he wasn't dying but I don't think he believes me." Tim chuckled.

"It's ok, Tim. I got this." Sami smiled as she threw a bag onto Adam's bed.

'Sami is such a sweetheart. We're going to have to do something extra nice for her for all she's done and put up with for and from us the last few days!' Tim thought to himself. He made a few notes on his phone as he waited for Sami and Adam. After a while, a sniffling Adam emerged from the bathroom with Sami. She hugged the blond making Tim raise his eyebrow. A feeling washed over him like a wave hitting the beach.

He couldn't define it but he knew he didn't like it. Adam crawled into his bed and curled up into the fetal position. Looking over at Tim he frowned. "This sucks." the blond stated earning a head nod from the brunette. They each lay in their beds but both wanting comfort. Tim finally looked over at a still-sniffling Adam.

"Hey. Want to come over here and cuddle with me? The body heat might make us both feel better." Tim suggested.

"Uh, sounds like a good idea." Adam slowly sat up, dangling his legs off the side of the bed.

Tim moved so that he was laying on his side and that Adam had plenty of room. The blond was the little spoon with Tim laying his hand across Adam's belly where the blond was hurting the most. Tim was still feeling the worst. His head was pounding again and his back was aching. He couldn't do much but curl up into a ball on his bed. Sometimes he'd lay there and cry. Other times he'd lay there and Adam would have him laughing. Sometimes he'd get angry for no reason.

"Well this is fabulous. Five women all PMSing at the same time. Can we lock them in their rooms until they stop?" Luke offered.

"Shut up, Luke." Nate rolled his eyes, "Do they need anything?"

"I bought bags of different kinds of chocolates when I went and bought They should be good for a few days at least." Sami laughed, "But with Chance and Tim's weird cravings, you may want to head to the grocery store!"

"Yeah, we probably should since there's so many of us staying here. At least to stock up on staples." Abe nodded.

After Abe and Luke left to go grocery shopping, Sami went to go check on everyone. Chance was curled up in a ball in the middle of his bed. She took her camera and snapped a photo. Next was Rob. He didn't seem to be having as much issues with his "time of the month" as the others. Mostly fatigue it seemed to her. He was just laying on his bed fast asleep. She snapped a photo of him, too. Austin was laying with his ankles crossed and a pillow on his tender chest, fast asleep.

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