Splash, splash!

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The group finally left the bar, Adam being sure to keep his arms around Tim to help steady him with his heels. They climbed back into their vehicles to head to their cabin. The overly tired group piled out of the SUV's and headed into their temporary home. Luke refrained from telling the group there was a large pool in the backyard and he was very glad no one had gone exploring through the house yet.

Nate and Cole were attempting to make breakfast the following morning. Now that everyone had a good night's sleep, they were more refreshed and wanted to check out their new surroundings. Chance and Tim weren't sure about sleeping on their stomachs making Jenika laugh. Tim smirked at his wife/husband when she began to complain about her problem when she woke up. Chance slapped the dining table as he laughed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's not funny, Chance!" She huffed.

"Oh, yes it is!" He countered wiping his face.

"What's so funny?" Austin asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Jenika not liking waking up with morning wood!" Chance howled in laughter again.

"You suck, Chance." Jenika crossed her arms over her chest.

"You don't know that." He countered making everyone laugh and Jenika roll her eyes.

She huffed, "Screw you."

Jenika got up and headed to the backyard. 'No thanks, you're not my type!' she heard Chance yell at here. When she flipped him off, she heard several people dying of laughter. She looked around at the patio. There were lots of seating, an amazing grille, a fire pit and a fire place (at one end of the patio), and a magnificent pool! Her eyes widened when she saw it. They could go swimming! She briskly walked back into the house.

"There's a pool! The backyard is amazing!" Jenika gushed.

"Damn! We don't have any bathing suits!" Austin frowned, "But you know what that means? (He grinned) ANOTHER SHOPPING TRIP!"

Luke groaned making everyone else laugh. Nate brought a skillet of scrambled eggs to the table.

"I can drive them back to town, Luke. I need a bathing suit too." Jenika stated.

"Actually, I do too. I didn't bother to bring mine this time." Abe shrugged.

"So we can go shopping after breakfast? Spend the day in the pool?" Austin's excitability was infectious.

"If that will keep you occupied and out of my hair all day, yes." Luke shrugged making Nate pat Luke's back.

"Did you see any pool toys out there?" Cole inquired.

"I didn't go looking around much. There was a little shed so they may be in it if there are." Jenika shrugged.

"I'll look before y'all go. If not, pick some up!" Nate grinned.

"Do not forget tons of suntan lotion! We don't wanna get sunburned!" Frank stated, "And aloe vera just in case!"

Jenika nodded since she had a mouthful of eggs. Austin ate as quickly as he could so he could get dressed. He was very excited at going shopping again and then going swimming. Adam was already trying to figure out what kind of bathing suit to pick out. Tim was trying to ignore what Adam might look like in a bathing suit. Rob and Chance cleaned up from breakfast while everyone else went to get dressed for the day. Nate went to the shed that Jenika had described and found a myriad of pool toys.

He said they didn't need to pick up any pool toys making Abe sigh with relief. Going bathing suit shopping was going to be hard enough with this group. Once the group were ready to go, they piled into the SUV. Abe and Jenika were sitting up front. Chance, Austin, and Rob were sitting in the middle seat while Tim and Adam were in the back seat. This was going to be an experience that Luke was very glad to not be apart of. Cole suggested they grill outside since they were planning on spending the day out by the pool.

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