Shopping trip

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"Uh...what the hell?" Nate rubbed his face as he stumbled to the front lounge.

"This is gonna be a long day." Tim shook his/her head.

"Nate, go wake everyone else up so we don't have to make the introductions again. Ladies and gentlemen, have a seat." Luke glared at each person before turning towards Lee, "Lock the bus door and shut all the curtains. We don't need anyone looking in here and seeing...them..."

"Austin! Quit playing with your boobs!" Jenika rolled her/his eyes making the redheaded woman/man giggle uncontrollably again.

"The hell?" Abe stated as he walked to the front lounge.

"We're gonna explain what we know when everyone gets up here. You six need to stand up front to give everyone a place to sit." Luke explained, eyeing the six suspiciously.

They did as they were asked as Luke went to wake the rest of the crew. As people entered the front lounge, they heard the same comments. 'Who the hell are you?', 'How did you get on our bus?', 'What's going on?'. It amused Austin greatly but Tim wasn't nearly as humored by the situation. Austin still couldn't quit playing with his chest. Adam and Tim kept glancing at one another, and not being too subtle in their eyeing of the other, while Chance and Rob were just looking bewildered.

"Ok. Everyone's up. Explain." Luke crossed his arms over his chest.

"I parked the bus and went to make coffee like I normally do. Austin ran out of the bunk area and nearly ran me down playing with his..." Lee trailed.

"I woke up like this. I don't know what happened." Adam shrugged.

"I did too and I don't' know what's going on." Chance added in.

"You don't randomly switch sexes!" Luke hissed making Austin giggle, "What the hell is so damned funny about this situation?"


"You know what's not funny?" Tim glared at the stunning redhead, "Not knowing how to do things! How exactly are we supposed to use the bathroom? What the fuck are we gonna tell the fans? We're gonna have to go the store and get clothes since we don't know how long we'll be stuck like this!"

"Ya! Shopping trip!" Austin happily exclaimed making Chance smack his forehead.

"Sami's gonna looooove this!" Abe stared at girl-Chance.

"We need to find you names to use while you're out in public. Robbie might be able to be used since it has been used for females before. Tim, Austin, Chance, and Adam...not so much." Nate stated, eyeing up his friends.

"Anyone else suddenly want to go on a clean-spree around here?" Rob inquired as he looked at their semi-dirty bus.

"Kinda." Chance replied.

"Y'all need to get dressed. I'll make sure the rental is big enough to fit everyone. Jenika, you can probably fit into Austin's clothes so for now, that's what you'll be wearing. The...girls...actually need clothes. Nate, Abe, please come with us." Luke sighed, "And Austin? QUIT PLAYING WITH YOUR FUCKING TITS!"

All Austin could do was giggle as he made his way to the bunk area. He got his suitcase out so Jenika could go through and find some clothes for her to wear. She got Austin a pair of jeans and a tank top. She told him to wear sneakers with the outfit. She went to the bathroom to quickly change. It felt weird wearing panties with her...junk...but she didn't know what else to wear.

"You don't look half-bad in Austin's clothes." Cole laughed.

"This stubble is going to drive me crazy." She ran her hand along her jaw making several guys laugh.

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