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"Uh, guys, why don't you get out of the pool. Just the six of them." Luke sighed, "We'll explain everything that we know, Sami."

"Jenika? Come on!" Rob shouted.

"J...Jenika? The blond man is... (Sami gasped) ...then who's.... (her eyes looked at the five women who were now standing before her) ..." Sami's jaw dropped.

"The blond woman is Adam. The redhead is Austin, this cute thing is Rob, the brunette with the shoulder length hair is Tim." Nate stated before taking a deep breath, "And this is Chance."

Sami eyed up each one before looking at her boyfriend.

"Luke? Is the fucking 'complication' you were trying to tell me about?!" Sami shouted, "Is this what you call a damned complication? The bus having severe engine trouble is a complication! Loosing your sound equipment is a complication! This is...this is fucking madness!"

"Oh, the blond man there. Yeah, that's Jenika." Abe stated.

"How in the fuck did this happen? Why only the six of them? How long will they be like this?" Sami just stared at the six people standing in front of her.

"Let's sit down over here, Sami." Luke stated, "Come on, y'all."

"Uh, we've been like this since yesterday. We woke up like this." Chance began playing with his fingers.

"We honestly don't know what happened, Sami. We have zero answers for you." Adam shrugged.

"TELL.ME.WHAT.HAPPENED." Sami growled at Luke.

"Lee parked the bus and went to make coffee like he normally does. Then we all started waking up and found ourselves like this." Austin replied.

"Something had to have happened. You're not frogs, you don't just randomly switch genders!" Sami shouted making Chance shrink back.

"We know nothing more than that, Sami. Seriously. I've been trying to figure it out myself to no avail." Luke gave her a sympathetic look.

She sighed as she looked around, "Does Kelsey and Ericha know?"

"Nope and I'd prefer it if my wife didn't know." Rob blushed.

"Same." Adam quickly replied.

"We are taking tons of photos and videos, though!" Nate shouted at them making Tim flip him off.

"Well that's not very lady like!" Sami stated.

"Says the woman who has no problems belching at video shoots or on Chance's Twitch streams?" Tim raised his eyebrow at her making the entire group go 'oooooh' in response.

She narrowed her eyes at the bass man before simply nodding, "Same old sassy, sarcastic Tim I see."

"Yeah, personalities haven't changed much. The voices are feminine to go with the bodies. But that's about it. Rob we call Robbie out in public. Chance is Charity. Tim is Tina. Austin is Annie. Jenika is Jeremy. And Adam is Addison." Nate found a seat with the group.

"I hate that name." Adam sighed.

"Too bad, you're stuck with it." Tim laughed earning a glare from the blond.

"Oh my God, Sami! We went out last night to a local bar because after taking them shopping for clothes and toiletries and then making the long drive here yesterday, no one wanted to cook. You should have seen Tim trying to walk in heels!" Nate laughed making everyone else laugh too.

Tim's cheeks burned red.

"Hey! He looked amazing last night!" Adam stuck up for his friend.

"They all looked great." Nate smiled, "Jenika got into a fight with some random dude who kept hitting on Tim after Tim told him he wasn't interested. Poor thing got hit in the balls so now Jenika knows what that feels like."

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