Chapter 1- Mama No Don't Let Me Leave!!!

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Ichika Pov

Hi I'm the mermaid Princess Ichika Domoto of the North Pacific Ocean, I'm 3 and a half. My parents are Luchia and Kaito Domoto a war is about to start down underneath the waves because my mum married a human and that's apparently a taboo among mermaids, it's stupid. The people in the castle love me they come at my beckoning call, I didn't know they would do this. I have two non-related Aunts and one blood-related Aunt. The non-related ones are Hanon Hosho, who's now called Miyako Matsuoka, and Rina Toin. My blood-related Aunt is April Nanami, now married and called April Nono, I've only me her kids once well her older ones she's gonna have more I just know it, she's my mama's big sister but she fell in love with a human well actually no not human either he's a vampire, he's nice though. But we normally stay far from the Vampire-mermaids because we don't want a war to start but we no where have to accept them. The war that's starting is———

"Ichika!" My mama yells

"Mama! What's wrong?!" I yell back

"Sweetie, your going to go live with Aunt Hanon for a couple years." She says giving me a hug goodbye as I start to be lifted out of the water

"Mama! Papa! Don't let me leave!!!" I yell as papa goes and hugs mama whilst she cries and I cry too, "No, I don't belong up there."

I arrive on the land my tail is still in the water so I don't have legs yet then I hear

"Mama! I see some over here I don't know if they're hurt." A young voice yells

"Go see if they're okay, sweetie!" Another voice says

I look over to see a little girl my age stare at me in awe

"Wow your tail is really pretty, I'm Ichigo Momomiya. What's your name?" The girl Ichigo asks

"I'm the mermaid princess Ichika Domoto of the North Pacific Ocean." I say proudly 

"Wow a real mermaid, your really pretty. Wanna be friends?" Ichigo asks

"Sure, I just need to find my Aunt." I tell her, "Can you help me?"

"Yeah, whats her name?" Ichigo asks

"Ha-Miyako Matsuoka." I say

"Does she have blue hair?" Ichigo asks

"Yeah? How'd you know?!" I ask

"She's my preschool teacher." Ichigo says, "Also what happens when you get out of the water?" 

"Well if my tail is dry I gain human feet, can you get me a towel so I can dry off and walk?" I ask Ichigo

"Yeah give me a second." Ichigo says running to her parents I think

I look over the rock and see her running to who I think is her mama, "Mama can I have my towel and my extra clothes?" 

"Why sweetie?" Her Mama asks

"The person I helped needs a towel and clothes." Ichigo says, "She looks about my age."

"Good thing we brought an extra pair of clothes." Her Mama says as she runs back to me

"Yup!" Ichigo yells a few feet away from me 

"Your back." I said

"Yup, here you go." Ichigo says giving me the towel 

I dry myself off and my tail is no longer there but I have human legs and Ichigo says, "Here, I'll help you put on the clothes."

"Thanks, how old are you by the way?" I ask

"I'm 3 and a half, but I turn 4 in a couple days." Ichigo says 

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