Chapter 3- Meeting Rin Again and Aunt Rina Sounds Worried

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Ichika Pov

*At The Office*

'Hi, Gina.' Miyako says

'Hi Miyako, who's this little one?' Gina says

'My daughter, Kou.' Miyako says

'Hello.' Ichika/Gou(Kou) says

'I thought you only had a son?' Gina asks

'No, she's been living with my mother in the United Kingdom.' Miyako says

'Ohh, ok.' Gina says

'So basically can you let whoever is in charge today let them know she's with me?' Miyako asks

'Oh, of course.' Gina says

'Thanks.' Miyako says walking back to her room with Ichika/Gou (Kou)

'Well, I have to get going see you all later.' Sakura says

'Bye, mama!' Ichigo says

*After all Miyako's Preschoolers arrive*

There's a bunch of chatter among the child, confused of who this light red-brown hair is (a mixture of Luchia's blonde and Kaito's Brown with a pinch of red, I'll put a picture. Because that's how it looked before turning to the colour it is in the anime.)

'Hello, everyone. You're probably wondering who this is.' Miyako says as the children shake their heads in agreement, 'This is my daughter, Kou Matsuoka. She's the same age as all of you. Please be nice.'

All of the children reply with an okay. And her days of living with Rin are only just beginning.

*After school lets out*

'Bye, everyone!' Miyako yells to her preschoolers

'Bye, Mrs. Miyako!' They yell back

'Now, let's go get Rin from his school.' Miyako says (rin is like 5 because Ichika/Gou(Kou) is about to be 4), 'Gina, I'm borrowing a car seat till I can get Kou one!'

'Okay.' Gina responds

'So how was preschool Ichika?' Miyako asks

'Really fun! Am I gonna get called Ichika when Rin and other people aren't around?' Ichika/Gou(Kou) asks

'Yeah.' Miyako says

Ichika/Gou(Kou) Pov

'I haven't seen Rin in a while, how has he been?' I ask

'He has friends at his school, but it's funny really they all have female names like rin.' Aunt Miyako says

'What your kidding?' I ask, 'How smart is he? You know mermaids and mermen are supposed to be really smart.'

'He's a bit of a ditz, he can't remember somethings.' Aunt Miyako says, 'Also did your mother tell you when you'd be hitting puberty?'

'Yeah, when I'm like 6. Which is outrageous really, at that age you should be having fun with friends, not worrying about getting pregnant with a baby for the kingdom.' I say

'You know your mother said the same thing. When I met her and we were talking mermaids.' Aunt Miyako says

'Really, but I bet she was glad when my father found out she was a mermaid and was able to accept her for who she is.' I say

'Yup, Kaito never left your mother's side when you were born. But because you were born on land and how long it had been since he found out he forgot your mother was a mermaid, he then found out again when he gave you a bath when you were just a year old. Luchia was hesitant that night, all of us could since it. I called that night moments after your mother walked into the kitchen and asked if she wanted me to come over then your father yelled for your mother and I swam over as quickly as I could.' Aunt Miyako says, 'I got there as your mother got into the tub and revealed herself for the second time to your father. He was in complete shock, but still loved your mother they way he did before finding out a second time.'

'My parents love story is really complicated isn't it?' I ask

'Oh sweetie it is.' Aunt Miyako says as we arrive at Rin's school

'Mum!' A boy that looks like Aunt Hanon(Miyako) but with darker burgundy hair than mine says

(A/N: Rin's hair is like that because of his dad's hair being a red and Hanon's {Miyako's} being blue)

'Rin, I have a surprise in the car.' Aunt Miyako says

'Really?!' Rin says as he runs to the car door

'It's your sister, remember that one day where I went into the hospital?' Aunt Miyako says

'I have a sister?!' Rin questions

'Yes, She's lived in the United Kingdom with my mother.' Aunt Miyako tells him

'Oh that's right, grandma lives there. But she wasn't there when we visited.' Rin says

'She was with your Aunt Rina, because at the time I didn't know how to tell you, Rin.' My aunt says

'Oooooh, okay.' Rin says as Aunt Miyako's phone rings

Hanon/Miyako Pov

'It's Rina! Get in the car now, Rin buckle.' I say as I answer my phone, 'Hello?'

'Hanon?' Rina says

'What's wrong, Rina?' I ask

'Luchia and Kaito are here in my Kingdom, for the moment at least. It's happening again Hanon, what happened before.' Rina says

'What? Why? This can't happen again she's only 3!' I say very upset

'Just keep Ichika till she's 6 almost 7 then send her to your home-stay mum here in the UK and I'll help her swim better.' Rina says, 'Luchia and Kaito are going north to Noel soon, but I wouldn't let Ichika know about her parents just yet.'

'Okay, thanks for the update. And Rina?' I say

'Yeah, what's up?' She asks

'Ohh, Rin! I've made friends at the Preschool.' Ichika/Gou(Kou) says to rin

'She's at the early stages of puberty.' I say

*Smack* 'Your kidding right?' Rina asks

'Nope.' I say

'Dear Aqua Regina!' Rina says hitting her head again

'Well I have to get home, talk to you later about this.' I say

'Okay, bye. Also does Rin know what he is?' She asks

'No, but I'll explain later.' I say, 'Bye.'

'Bye.' Rina says ending the call

Ichika/Gou(Kou) Pov

'How's Aunt Rina?' Rin asks

'She's doing great.' Miyako says to Rin


So here's this chapter bc chapter 4 is gonna be like when she's 6 and some how able to conceive a child. This story will be wild trust me.


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