Chapter 1

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That's her outfit but it's black and dark purple
Morrigan's POV
"That village was a waste of time brother," I said to Sasori.
"I know let's hope the next one isn't," He said.
"You two should join the Akatsuki. You would make a perfect team," A woman with blue hair said.

"Alright we lost fair and square, we'll go," I said.
"Good now let's go," She said.

Third-Person POV
"Sasori and Morrigan of the Red Sand. They're siblings and work very well together. Morrigan has a power that hasn't been heard or seen before and we need it," A deep voice said. "I want Konan to go and get them for me."
"Yes sir," Konan said and was gone.

Normal Time
Morrigan's POV
"Everyone these our are new members Sasori of the Red Sand and his sister Morrigan of the Red Sand," Pein said.
"I'm Itachi," A man with black hair in a low ponytail said.
"Kisame," A blue man said.
"Deidara," A girl wait boy maybe said.
"We're Zetsu," A plant person said.
"Hidan Bitches," A guy with grey hair said.
"Kakuzu," An old man said.
"TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!!!" A childish voice scream and I was tackled to the ground.
"Uff," I grunted as my back hit the ground.
"Get the hell off her," Sasori growled and threw the person off.
Sasori may not show emotion often he's protective of me. He helped me up and glared at a man with an orange mask on.
"Don't you fucking touch me," I said.
They froze at the sound of my voice. It was a raspy voice but gentle at the same time. I usually catches everyone's attention.
"You're voice is enchanting," Itachi said.
"Thank you Itachi, I think we're going to get along well," I said smiling gently at him.
"As do I Morgie," He said.
"Morgie?" I asked.
"Your nickname," He stated.
"I like it," I said.
"All we need to do is to see how you two fight alone," Pein said.
We both froze and looked at each other.
"Leader-sama we don't work alone," Sasori said.
"Well now you do," He said.
"Let's go everyone to the training field."
"Sasori you'll be against Deidara, Morgie you're going against Hidan," He said. "Sasori you're first."
"Alright ready, begin," Konan said.
The fight didn't last long, in the end Sasori won.
"Morgie, Hidan," Pein said.
"This is such a drag," I sighed.
(Stop being like my Shika-kun)
"Come on bitch let's go," Hidan said.
"Call me bitch one more time, I dare you," I hissed.
"You're a motherfucking bitch," Hidan said slowly but loudly.
"That's it you're dead," I growled.
"Begin," Pein said.

Third-Person POV
"Why's her chakra pink?" Itachi asked.
Chakra was basically pouring out of her but it was pink.
"Because of the jutsu she's about to use," Sasori said.
"What jutsu?" Pein asked.
"Watch," Sasori said.
Morrigan brought her hand to her lips and blew Hidan a kiss. He watched as the pink chakra made contact with his skin. He the unexpected he gave Morrigan a bow.
"Have you heard of the Kiss of Death?" Sasori said.
"Of course, it's a legend about this woman who was one of the most powerful and beautiful woman in the world who can take any person under her control," Kakuzu said.
"Well that's Morgie," Sasori said.
"Impossible," Konan said. "It's a myth, a legend."
"It was a prophecy," Sasori said.
They turned their attention to the two and saw that Morgie was making him to backflips.
She giggled and then said in her enchanting voice, "Cut your head off."
Everyone but Sasori and Morrigan held their breath waiting to see if Hidan would. Sure enough he picked up his scythe and quickly cut off his head. He crumbled to the ground.
"Release," Morrigan said softly. "I win."
She turned and saw almost everyone looking at her in amazement.
"What the fuck?!?! Someone put my head back!!!" Hidan cursed.

Morrigan's POV
I walked to him and kicked his head across the room.
"Think before calling me bitch, dick," I hissed.
"Amazing work as well, sister," Sasori said to me.
I smiled at him.
"Morgie why didn't you use that on me when I battled you and Sasori?" Konan asked.
"Because I don't need it when fighting along side Sasori," I said.
"Shut the hell up," I said.
I had to admit he was cute when he was being childish. It was obvious that it was an act but I could tell the other members couldn't tell, even Sasori. Pein, Konan, and Zetsu obviously knew by the looks they keep giving him. I'm guessing he's the one actually in charge here.
"Sasori you'll be sharing a room with Deidara, Morgie you'll have your own room near Konan's. All women get their own rooms here," Pein said.
"I'm starting to like place," I said smirking.
"Morgie we have to go shopping soon," Konan said putting her arm through mine and pulling me away from the boys.
"Oh my Kami yes," I said.
"Great so we'll leave tomorrow oh and dress in non-ninja clothes," She said.
"Of course," I said.
"Here's your room and you get to design it anyway you want," Konan told me.
"Thanks," I said.
"See ya later, Bestie," She said.
"Bye," I said smiling at her.
I opened my door and saw it was a dark purple color. I liked the color but everything need changing.

I finished my room and it looked amazing.

"KONAN COME HERE!!!" I shouted through the hideout

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"KONAN COME HERE!!!" I shouted through the hideout.
I heard footsteps coming towards my room. My door opened and people piled in.
"I said Konan not everyone," I said in a sassy tone.
"No one cares bit- I mean Morgie," Hidan said.
"Oh my Kami your room looks amazing," Konan squealed.
"TOBI LOVES MORGIE'S ROOM!!!" Tobi screamed.
"I forgot how good you were at this stuff sister," Sasori said flopping down on my bed.
"So did I," I said as everyone started filing out.

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