Chapter 5

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(Change the brown to blood red and the dark blue to black)
Morrigan's POV
"We're done Morrigan," Obito said without any emotion.
"Alright, get out," I said.
He just stared at me before putting his mask back on. He sighed and walked out of my room but not before looking at me again. A single tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away. No time to waste on sadness. I walked into the finding everyone there. I sat as far from Obito as possible. Everyone noticed and gave us looks. Obito or Tobi at the moment was much quieter than normal. I didn't talk much so I was acting normal.
"This is fucking weird," Hidan said loudly.
"What?" I asked.
"You and Tobi aren't fucking sitting by or talking or even looking at each other. What happened?" He asked.
"We're not together anymore," I said simply.
"MORGIE HURT TOBI'S FEELINGS!!!"Obito yelled childishly.
"What'd you do?" Sasori asked.
"I did nothing, he's the one who left me," I said.
"You left my sister," Sasori said to Obito.
"SHE WAS BEING MEAN TO TOBI!!!" Obito yelled.
"Oh bullshit," I said scuffing. "You left me because I didn't agree with you."
"Maybe if Morgie agreed with Tobi then maybe Tobi wouldn't have left Morgie," Obito said.
I let pink chakra seep out and into the air. Obito stood up and started running. I made my chakra chase him around until I felt him connected to me.
"Come back," I said loudly.
Slow, dragging foot steps were heard and we all watched as Obito struggled to get out of my bidding.
"Now look me in the eye and listen," I said.
Obito's head raised up and I caught his single, visible eye through the hole of his mask.
"You will leave the hide out and you will not return for a year-" I began talking but interrupted.
"Morgie do not banish him for a year," a deep voice said and we all looked at the doorway except for Obito.
"Fine you will not return for 6 months," I said.
He turned to the exit and walked out of the hideout. I walked all the way to my hideout.

Third-Person POV
It's been a long six months. The hideout was almost too quiet. No one has spoken to Morrigan, but that's only because she's closed herself out from everyone. She's cold and isn't afraid to kill you for annoying her. She hated everyone except Sasori. She's been fucking Hidan quite a bit lately. He loved fucking her and he knew she would never have feelings for him but he didn't care. Today was the day Obito was returning.
Morrigan walked through the halls to a certain silver haired mans room. She opened the door and made Kakuzu leave. Hidan watched as Morrigan began to strip off her clothing. Jashin he loved it when she did that. He took off his clothing and walked to Morrigan. He grabbed her and kissed her. She gripped his hair and pulled him farther down so she could reach him better. He grabbed her ass and lifted her into the air. Her entrance rested right on his member and they both moaned loudly. Morrigan gripped his length and guided it to her neither lips. Hidan walked backwards til the back of his knees hit his bed. He sat down and Morrigan dropped down on his thick member. She gasped loudly loving the feeling of him inside of her. Hidan lifted her up then slammed her back down. She screamed in pleasure.
"Fuck me Hidan," she said.
"With pleasure my slut," he said and began to mercilessly pound her.
He sucked on her bouncing breast with joy. He knew how much she loved her breast to be sucked. She was moaning while Hidan was grunting.

An hour later Hidan and Morrigan both finally cummed and were both breathing loudly.
"That was fucking amazing," Hidan said satisfied.
Morrigan didn't say anything as usual and began getting dressed. Hidan watched her, this is what she did every time. They fucked for 2 hours then she got dressed and left. He didn't care, he just wanted to fuck her. He walked up to her after she was dressed and kissed her. She kissed back with tongue. Once they were done Morrigan walked out. He sighed and put his clothing back on. He walked out and into the living room. Everyone knew that the two of them were fuck buddies but that didn't mean they liked it. They all hated it actually. They wanted to old Morrigan back. Sasori glared at his sisters fuck buddy.
"Done screwing my sister I see," he growled.
"For now," Hidan said smirking at him.
Sasori was about to get up when Deidara grabbed his arm.
"He's not worth it," he said.
"Keep your damn hands off of her," Sasori growled.
"No thanks," Hidan said with a giant smirk.
"WHO HAS TO KEEP WHOS HANDS AWAY FROM WHO!?!?" A familiar voice screamed.
Morrigan heard it from her room and stiffened. He's back.
"Tobi?" Deidara said surprised. "Has it been six months already?"
"Yep," Obito said in a kiddish voice.
"Hidan stay away from her. She's not a toy," Itachi said helping Sasori.
"She's the one who came to me the first time," he said growling.
"We don't give a fuck, you keep your hands off of her," Kisame said.
"Who?"Obito said kiddishly.
"You might not know what this is Tobi but Hidan keeps fucking Morrigan," Kakuzu said. "Ever since you left those two have been fuck buddies."
Obito was furious. Hidan was fucking HIS girl. He turned around and marched towards Morrigans room. He put a silencing seal on the door so no one could hear. He slammed the door opened then closed. He found Morrigan sitting in front of the mirror messing with her hair. She didn't even looked his way. Obito froze and watched her as she finished with her hair and grabbed her lipstick. Her outfit was different now. (Outfit above)
Her body was toner than before. Her eyes looked dark with no emotions showing. It hurt seeing her like that. Obito knew he shouldn't have left her. Now she's dead inside. But damn didn't she look good.
"What do you want Obito?" Morrigan asked.
She was sick and tired of him just standing there staring.
"You're fucking Hidan," he said in a disgusted voice.
"Yes I am. He has one amazing dick," Morrigan said.
Obito stiffened, he felt his blood run cold. He walked up to her quickly and yanked her out of her seat. He threw his mask off and flared down at her.
"No. Man. Should. Be. Touching. You. You. Belong. To. Me," He said.
He grabbed her face and pressed his lips against hers. His lips were hungry for hers and have been for months. She didn't kiss him back though. She was still hurt from him breaking up with her. He parted her lips and forced his tongue into her mouth. She finally gave in and kissed him back. Her tongue wrestled with his. He slammed her back against the wall and pressed himself against her small body. She moaned and kissed him harder. She wrapped both her long pale legs around his waist and he gripped her ass so he could hold her up. Finally after a very long make out session they parted. Barely being able to catch their breath they leaned their foreheads against each other.
"God I've missed you," Obito said to Morrigan.
"I've missed you too even though I didn't show it," Morrigan said.
"I'll never leave you again and that's a promise," He said to her.
"I promise to never leave you as well," Morrigan said.
Obito smiled a loving smile at her.
"Good," He said.
He kissed her gently and she kissed him back just as gently.

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