Chapter 3

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Obito's POV
I didn't say anything as I grabbed Morgie's face and pressed my lips against hers. I could tell she was surprised but she soon kissed me back. Her hands went to my neck as she stood on her toes to help reach me. I grabbed her and pulled her with me to her bed. My legs hit the bed and I turned for her to be against the bed. I gently pushed her onto the bed and crawled up to her. She grabbed my neck and pulled me back to her. She kissed me hungrily. I kissed her back just as hungry and gripped her waist. She moaned into my mouth as I pressed her harder against my body.
When I met her all thoughts of Rin completely left my mind. Rin still was my teammate but I don't love her anymore. I haven't loved her in a long time. Morgie helped me realize that and I'm so glad I was done with Rin. I'm still going to cause a war to get the world to be peaceful.
I pulled from her in need for air. I was panting heavily and so was she. I put my head into the crook of her neck. I placed gentle kisses here and there. I leaned back and smirked at her.
"You're so gorgeous," I said to her.
She smiled at me with a slight blush adorning her cheeks. I smiled at her again at the sight. She pulled Mr down beside her and laid her head on my chest. My arms wrapped around her body and I held her close. Her arms were lazily placed over my torso.
I looked down at her and saw that she was really short compared to me. Her head stopped on my shoulders while her legs stopped a little before my knees. If we were standing she would be about five inches under my shoulder.
I kissed the top of her head as I felt her breathing even out. Soft snores came from her and I grinned like a fool.
Yes I'm quite a bit older than her but age is just a number. She should be in her early twenties anyway. I'm in my mid thirties so a little over ten years.
My eyes slowly closed and I pressed Morgie against me tightly before I fell asleep.

I awoke to soft kisses being placed upon my neck. I opened my eyes and saw Morgie's face in my neck. I shivered as she kissed me again. I felt a grin on her face. She pulled away and put her hands on my chest to hold herself up. She looked down at me with a smile.
"Morning Handsome," She said.
"Morning Gorgeous," I said in my morning voice.
I gave her a goofy grin when I felt her shiver at the sound of my voice. I kissed her cheek gently.

Hidan's POV
It was oddly quiet.
"Why the fuck is it so quiet?" I asked loudly to no one in particular.
"Tobi isn't in here," Itachi said flipping a page of damn book.
"He's right," Deidara said. "We should take advantage of it."
The others nodded, agreeing with him.
"Has anyone seen Morgie?" Sasori asked as he walked into the room.
"Not one damn bit," I said.
"Don't you guys think it's weird that both Tobi and Morgie aren't here?" Kisame said.
"What do you think that means?" Sasori asked.
"I don't know but I'm going to find out," Kisame said.
"Count me in fucker," I said standing up.
"We shouldn't get in other people's business," Itachi said.
"Come on Itachi, I know you want to know too," Deidara said as he stood by me.
"Kakuzu, what do you think?" Sasori asked that old bastard.
"Hmm I don't think it would be smart to get involved in Morgie's business but with Tobi's I don't see the problem," He said.
Itachi sighed and stood up.
"As long we don't get into Morgie's business since she can kick all of our asses," He said.
"Hell yeah let's do this," I loudly said.
We all walked down the hall to Tobi's room. I opened the door and walked in.
"Jackass?" I asked.
"Tobi?" Deidara called out.
"He's not here," Kakuzu said.
"I can't feel his chakra," Itachi said.
His eyes were bright red. He looked around the room and shook his head.
"Fuck," I muttered.

Morrigan's POV
"Obito someone's in your room," I said lazily.
It was muffled by his shirt. I felt him stiffen when I said that.
"I'll be right back," He said and with a puff he was gone.
I sighed and sat up. My pillow and my warmth was gone. I stood up and got dressed into my ninja outfit. (First chapter)
I was brushing my hair when a puff was heard. I didn't turn around when I felt who it was.
"Who was it?" I asked.

Obito's POV
When she told me someone was in my room I excused myself and went to take care of it.
"IS THERE A PARTY IN TOBI'S ROOM!?!?" I screamed out.
"Tobi where were you?" Deidara questioned me.
Oh he was an idiot and doesn't know how to shut up.
"So do you like my sister?" Sasori asked as he narrowed his eyes at me.
"I meant like like her," He said.
"So you do like her?" Kisame said.
"VERY MUCH!!!" I yelled.
They smirked and walked out of my room. I went back to Morgie's room. She was brushing her long red hair. Her ninja outfit showed some skin but it made me stare at her body for a minute.
"Who was it?" Her sweet voice asked.
"The guys and they started questioning me about you," I said.
"Like what?" She asked.
"If I liked you more than a friend and I told them that I did," I said.
She looked at me under her thick eyelashes.
"I like you more than a friend as well," She said with faint pink cheeks.
I smirked and took off my mask.
"Good," I said.
I grabbed her waist and placed a gentle kiss up on her lips. Her hands moved themselves to my chest. They rested there without a care in the world.
At least our story won't end up like Romeo and Juliet.

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