Chapter 6

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Morrigan's POV
I was finally happy again. I had Obito once again. I walked happily into the living room with Obito by my side.
"Hey babe," Hidan said smirking.
His smirk fell when he saw Obito wrap his arms around my waist.
"What the fuck?" He said standing up.
Everyone but Pein and Konan were in the living room. They watched as Hidan began yelling.
I stood there and watched him scream until his head came off his shoulders. Sasori was standing behind him with a very angry look on his face.
"Call my little sister stupid one more time and see what happens," he said in an angry tone.
Hidan grabbed his head and left but not before glaring at me.
"Welcome back little sister," Sasori said.
"It's good to be back isn't it Tobi," I said.
I giggled and heard sighs. I looked and saw everyone else looking at us.
"What?" I asked.
"We're just glad that you two are back together and that you're back to normal," Itachi said.
"So am I," I said.
I smiled and sat down beside Itachi. Obito took the empty seat beside me and placed his arm around my shoulders. He put his face in the crook of my neck. Finally everything was back to normal.

Third-Person POV
Most of the Akatsuki was dead. Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Pein, Konan, and Sasori. All of them dead. Morrigan couldn't believe it. All of her family dead. Every one of them died because of the Hidden Leaf Village. Only Obito, Zetsu, and herself were left. Morrigan was in a horrible position right now, she was cornered. Morrigan looked in every direction for any possible escape but there wasn't any. In front of her was Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sai, Might Gai, Rock Lee, Tenten, Neji Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka. She wouldn't survive this and she knew it.
"You're Kakashi Hatake, the man who Obito wants to kill," she said looking straight at Kakashi.
"Obito?" He said. "That's impossible, he's dead."
"You should check your facts before saying something that's false," a deep voice said behind the ground of ninjas.
Morrigan saw Obito without his mask. She sighed in relief. Kakashi looked at Morrigan with disgust.
"You killed many of the Hidden Leafs ninjas," he hissed at her.
"Yes I did," she said with a straight face.
"Naruto, Sakura, Neji, Sai, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Tenten, and Lee I leave Obito to you. Gai and I will handle the girl," Kakashi said.
Then it started. Fighting for hours none stop. Obito underestimates the Genin or Chunin skills. Morrigan was having trouble catching either of the men in her kiss of death. They were both too fast.
"OBITO I CAN'T CATCH THEM IN MY KISS OF DEATH!!!" She yelled panicking.
"DON'T WORRY MORGIE I'M COMING!!!" He yelled back.
"I don't think so," Naruto said and forced him to stay.
Obito couldn't even use his jutsu to move. He watched as Kakashi formed his Chidori in his right hand. Morrigan's eyes widened. She knew that that was the jutsu that killed Rin. She desperately searched for a way to escape. It was useless. Kakashi was in front of her in second. Obito pushed all of the Genin or Chunin off and ran to stop Kakashi, but he was too late. The Chidori went through her heart and she screamed in pain.
"MORGIE NO!!!" Obito screamed and ran to her.
He shoved Kakashi off of her and collapsed to the ground. Her eyes were wide with fear even in death. Her mouth was open in a forever lasting scream. Tears ran down Obito's face as he held his dead lover. Her gorgeous eyes dark and empty. Dead. Everyone he loved is dead. He looked up at Kakashi with hatred in his eyes.
"You did this. You killed her just like you killed Rin. It's all you're fault. She was the only thing I cared for and now she's gone. I will make up pay," He said before vanishing into thin air.

Obito's POV
I can't believe it. Kakashi killed the love of my life. She's dead. I appeared in the hideout where Zetsu, Sasuke, Karin, Suigestu, and Jugo were. I appeared in front of them with Morrigan in my arms.
"Oh my kami is she alright," Karin asked.
"No she's dead," I said looking down at her. "Kakashi killed her."
I walked forward and placed her on the couch. I closed her eyes and gently closed her mouth.
"Karin, Jūgo, and Suigetsu go dig a hole. Zetsu go get me Morgie's favorite flowers," I said.
"What were her favorite flowers?" Zetsu asked.
"Tiger Lilies," I replied without hesitation.
They all went and did as I told but Sasuke was still behind me.
"Sasuke you are going to destroy everything Kakashi Hatake loves and cares for do you understand," I said turning to look at him.
"Yes," He said before leaving.
I let the tears flow freely now. Sobs racked my body as I placed my head on her chest one last time. Her soft blood red hair tickled my face.
"I'm sorry I didn't get to you on time. I don't know what happened but I could teleport. That blond brat did something to me but I don't know what. Please forgive me my love. Go be with your brother and the rest of our family and wait for me. I promise that I'll see you again," I said kissing her forehead.

Third-Person POV
Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was white. Then her eyes adjusted and she saw a landscape. She was by the ocean. The beautiful, clear, blue ocean. It took her breath away. Where was she? She had no clue. The last thing she remembers was Kakashi killing her. Then it hit her, she was dead. She stood up and looked down. She was wearing a blue sundress. It hugged her figure slightly but not too much. She had no shoes on.
"Morrigan?" A voice said.
She turned and saw someone she didn't expect to see anytime soon, Sasori.
"Sasori," she said.
He smiled at her. He wasn't a puppet anymore. He was a human.
"You're a human," she said looking him over.
"I am," He said with a huge smile. "I honestly missed being human."
She smiled at her big brother and walked to him. She hugged him tightly.
"I missed you," she said.
"I missed you as well," he replied.
"Where is everyone else?" She said pulling out of the hug.
He smiled and grabbed her hand. He walked down the beach and soon came upon a house. A very big beach house. They walked through the door into what was the living room. In there was Pein, Konan, Hidan, Kisame, Kakuzu, Deidara, and Itachi sitting around doing their own thing. Itachi and Pein were reading. Konan was making origami. Kisame and Hidan were playing a video game. Kakuzu was counting money. Deidara was making clay sculptures. Konan was wearing a sundress like Morrigans. The guys were all wearing pants with a simple tee shirt. They looked up when they heard the door open. They saw Sasori with Morrigan.
"Morgie? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be dead," Itachi said.
"Kakashi Hatake killed me," she said sadly.
"Where's Tobi?" Deidara asked.
"You mean Obito," Pein said. "I told them all about him."
"I don't know where he is or if he's still alive," she said.
"Then ask," Konan said.
"What?" Morrigan questioned.
"Ask and you will see," Konan said with a smile.
"Show me Obito," Morrigan said clearly.
A portal like substance appeared in front of Morrigan. She looked through and saw Obito. He was being held by Kakashi.
"He's alive but barely," she said to the others.
As she watched she felt like she could feel everything that was happening to him. When he finally stopped breathing she felt at peace.
"He's dead," she said.
She felt a ripple in the air and felt a pull. She walked outside and down the beach. She doesn't understand why but she felt like she had to go that way. As she walked along the beach she saw something in the distance. A person standing by the ocean. She walked faster eager to find out who it was. As she got closer she saw that it was a man with short black hair and he was wearing similar outfits to the guys.
"Hi there," she said.
The man turned and she froze. Obito.
"Obito," she said.
"Morgie," He said.
He was scarred in the slightest. It looked like his skin was blemish free. His black eyes stared into her blue ones. A smile made its way to his lips. She smiled back and ran to him. She jumped into his arms. Her arms around his neck and his around her waist. She pulled her head back and kissed him lovingly. He kissed her back instantly.
"I missed you," she said.
"And I you," he replied.
"Come on, everyone's here," she said as he put her on the ground.
She grabbed his hand and led him down the beach to their family. They were happy in the end even in death.

Earth is only our temporary home. Once we leave it and go to a better place where our family will never leave us then we are home. Earth is only an object and a home is not. I believe that Earth isn't our final destination and that all the people we lost will be at our final destination. When we get to our final destination our missing loved ones will be the first in line to say hey.

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