Chapter 2

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Morrgian's POV
Konan and I just got back from shopping and when we walked inside all we heard was yelling.
"What's with all the yelling?" I asked when we entered the living room.
"Tobi being a dumbass and blew up the kitchen. He also took my clay," Deidara complained.
"Deidara shut up, Tobi come with me," I said frowning.
I walked to my room with Tobi skipping beside me. I opened the door and walked in. Tobi closed the door and jumped on my bed.
"First of all I know that this Tobi character is fake. It's obvious," I said. "Second I know you're the actual leader of the organization. And third I know that Konan, Pein, and Zetsu know who you are."
"Well that's strange someone actually saw through my little charade," A deep voice said.
"Who are you exactly?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him.
He raised his hand up to his mask before slipping it off. Half of his face was scarred, he had black eyes and hair. He was quite handsome.
"My name is Obito Uchiha," He said looking me in the eyes.
"An Uchiha you say," I said raising a perfect arch eyebrow. "I thought that clan was wiped out."
"That's because it is. Itachi is the one who wiped it out but I left the clan a long time ago," Obito said stood up.
Now that I looked at him he's a lot taller than I am. I don't even reach his shoulders.
"Damn you're tall," I said.
"And you're short," He said looking down at me.
"Why do you wear that mask?" I asked him.
"My face is ruined," He said simply.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"It's scarred and unattractive," He said.
"That's odd, I think you're very attractive, Obito," I said.
"You think so, Morgie?" He asked.
"I know so," I said looking up at him.
He smirked lightly and put his mask back on. He began walking to the door before he stopped.
"Morgie?" He said.
I looked up at him.
"You can't tell anyone about me," He said.
"I wasn't planning on it," I said softly.
He didn't say anything as he walked out. I smiled a bit before deciding that I wanted to spar. I went to Sasori's room and asked him to be my partner. Then we went to get Itachi and Kisame to fit us. They agreed. We went into the training room and then we fought.

In the end Sasori and I bet them. Almost no one could beat us when we fought together.
"That was fucking amazing," A loud voice said.
We all turned and saw the everyone else even Pein.
"That was excellent, you two will be partners from now on," Pein said.
I smiled widely and looked at my brother. He smiled gently at me, seeing that I was happy.
"Okie dokie," I said.
I can't see how Obito can act like an idiot, a sweet idiot at that. He was really good at acting.
"He's right for once," Deidara said.
I laughed as Deidara started chasing him yelling stuff about blowing him up.
"Now let's play some fucking video games," Hidan said.
"I wanna go against you," I said.
"You're on Morgie," He said.
We went to the living room and he gave me a gold controller while he got the silver one. He put in a game and soon enough we got competitive.
"Beat that bitch," I said smirking proudly.
"I wanna go next," Kisame said taking Hidan's controller.
When we played it was easy. I beat him so many times.
"Wow and I thought were good at video games," I said yawning and playing with one hand.
I was going against Deidara now.
"THAT'S OFFENSIVE!!!" They all yelled.
"It's true," Konan said.
She was sitting by me and keeping track of the bets everyone was placing.
"TOBI WANTS TO PLAY WITH MORGIE!!!" Tobi yelled getting everyone's attention.
"Come on Tobi, there's no way you would beat her," Kakuzu said.
Yup he was involved since money was involved.
"I'll play Tobi," I said as I finished kicking Deidara's ass.
"Damn it," He said loudly.
He gave the controller to Tobi and the bets got made quickly.

"I lost," I said in surprise. "Finally a hard opponent."
"YAY THAT WAS FUN!!! WE SHOULD DO AGAIN SOMETIME!!!" Tobi screamed as he skipped away.
Later that night when I got to my room I found Obito in there.
"Obito what are you doing in here?" I asked.
"I won and now I want my prize," He said pulling off his mask.
He looked at me with his dark eyes. Damn he was hot.
"What's my prize Morgie?" He said walking closer to me.
When he was in front of me he reached pasted me and locked the door.
"What do want?" I asked looking up at him.
He didn't say anything just started down at me. He reached for my face and held it in his hands. He bent and placed his lips upon mine.

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