8. Invitation

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Here's a quick recap of Aisha's "7 sins":
1) Party
2) Drinks
3) Smoking
4) Clubbing
5) Kiss
6) Sex

Oh and...
7) Dogs

In all honesty, I don't think she'd commit too hard in completing her long-overdue teenage bucket list but I did say that I'd help her out so I kinda have to at least try. My main motive here, frankly, is to get her back on good terms with her dad; getting rid of her so I can have my room back for myself is secondary. Plus, doing this with her might turn out to be fun - who knows?

I decide to approach this chronologically so we'll start with item number 1: Party. Lo and behold, I actually have no idea how partying works in Singapore, or NUS in particular but fortunately I know somehow who does...

It's none other than my one-sided, unrequited love herself: Acacia <3 I decide to check up her Instagram and coincidentally, her most recent Instastory seems promising, with the caption: 'gonna be a lit party fam 🔥🔥 💯' - that sounds exactly like the kind of party we're looking for! I decide to drop her a dm.

Text convo: Invite pls
Chars: Syaz (ilyzani), Acacia (heyacacia)

You replied to their story.
ilyzani: Heyy yo! What party is this? Can I get an invite? Haha


It's been a whole 5 minutes and she still hasn't seen my message. Given that her Instagram status is 'Active Now', I'm sure she received it already; it's just that she's ignoring me because she's busy replying to all her other dms. Or maybe she just can't be bothered, who knows? Can't help it though: girls will be girls. However, I know just the thing to make her respond to me.

ilyzani: I wanted to bring Aisha along too, but if we're not invited that's fine

and immediately upon texting that..

heyacacia: omg r u two tgt now?
ilyzani: Glad my text reached you. I thought there's a problem with my wifi or sth
heyacacia: HAHAH sorry :P
heyacacia: anyw so what's the story??

I contemplated lying to her that we're going out...

ilyzani: We're going out
heyacacia: asdfghjkl

Ok let me explain: I'm using this to get an 'in' to the party. (And to lowkey brag about having a gf right in her face heheh...)

ilyzani: and I'm tryna show her what a dope bf I am by bringing her to the best party in NUS
heyacacia: LOL
heyacacia: it's not in NUS tho, and invitations are pretty tight
ilyzani: look. If I bring her to this party I'll finally get laid so could you just please help a brother out
heyacacia: HAHA

heyacacia: Ok fine. You can come.
ilyzani: ily <3
heyacacia: tell that to Aisha
ilyzani: where's it at tho?
heyacacia: Sentosa Cove.
ilyzani: nani
heyacacia: I'll text u the exact address in WA
ilyzani: wait you're not kidding? Sentosa Cove???
heyacacia: first time for everything eh virgin boy? HAHAH
heyacacia: yes it's at Sentosa Cove. Bring a condom ;)
ilyzani: For you?


Active 1m ago

Yo hear me out: I had to try okay?

But holy freakin' shit - Sentosa Cove?! The cheapest landed property there is in the upwards of 30 million dollars! It's the playground for the rich and famous! Shit I might just leave Aisha alone to try and get with some random girl there cause chances are she's rich as fuck!

I'm kidding, of course - I ain't no Based Zeus.

Acacia whatsapped me the details of the party shortly after ignoring my cheeky text, and I decide to let Aisha know later that evening.

Convo: We be ballin'
Chars: Syaz, Aisha

Syaz: Aisha, I've got news for you.
Aisha: Hit me.
Syaz: We're going to a party!
Aisha: Whoa shit seriously?!
Syaz: That's right - we're working on that sin list ASAP.
Aisha: We literally came up with it just yesterday.
Syaz: Yeah well the sooner we get this done, the sooner you'll make up with your dad.
Aisha: Hey, I said I'd talk to him - no guarantee we'll make up.

I shoot her a "dead-eye" look.

Syaz: Seriously?
Aisha: Why are you so interested in my personal affairs?
Syaz: I'm illegally housing you in my room - it honestly doesn't get any more personal than that.
Aisha: So you want me out - is that it?
Syaz: You know that's not it.
Aisha Then why?
Syaz: ...

Ugh. She forced me into a corner with this one.

Syaz: 'Cause I care for you, and I think it's for the best.
Aisha: ...
Syaz: ...
Aisha: Are you flirting with me?
Syaz: NO!
Aisha: *haha*

Syaz: By the way, we're going out.
Aisha: *blushes* H-huh?!
Syaz: You're with me.
Aisha: H-how... How'd you know I'd say yes? Wait, is this how people ask each other out?
Syaz: What are you on about?

Aisha gave me a "wadafak is going on?" expression.

Syaz: I told Acacia we're dating in order to get the invitation.
Aisha: Oh.
Syaz: So we have to act the part.
Aisha: Right.
Syaz: Good thing we got some training prior, eh?
Aisha: ...

She looks almost disappointed for some reason.

Syaz: It's at Sentosa Cove, the party.

Her eyes light up.

Aisha: Isn't that the rich people place?
Syaz: Yeap!
Aisha: I didn't know she was that well-off.
Syaz: It's not her place - she just has connections in high places.
Aisha: Oh! But still... Sentosa Cove.
Syaz: I know, right? We be ballin'
Aisha: Do we have to pretend we're rich too?
Syaz: We need to dress the part, at least. Do you have any nice pieces in that gigantic suitcase of yours?
Aisha: I brought a prom dress.
Syaz: Really now.
Aisha: Really.
Syaz: You're in this for the long haul, huh?
Aisha: Well that's the best case scenario.

I shake my head.

Syaz: Fine. I'll just wear my business formal.
Aisha: You know, I wonder what's it like being rich...
Syaz: Give me 10 years and I'll get back to you.

Aisha looks at me and laughs.

Syaz: Alright better get some sleep - party's tomorrow evening.
Aisha: Wait!
Syaz: What.
Aisha: What do I do there?
Syaz: Huh?
Aisha: I've never been to a party before...

Well, I've actually never been to an actual lit party before so I really can't say much but at times like this - when a helpless girl is looking for assurance - my pride tells me to fake it 'till I make it.

Syaz: Don't worry about it - just have fun! Put yourself out there and meet new people

Aisha remains unconvinced.

Syaz: Look.

I firmly clasp her hands.

Syaz: If anything happens I'll be there for you.
Aisha: ...
Syaz: So don't you worry your pretty little mind, Little Miss Aisha.

She looked at me with unfiltered awe. Then she looks away; embarrassed.
At this point I'm thinking, "Shit what am I doing even." I let go of her small fragile hands and crash at the sleeping bag on the floor.

Syaz: OK well good night!
Aisha: *whisper to self* How can you expect me to sleep now...

I pretended not to hear what she said.
Honestly I don't think I can sleep now too.

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