Main Characters

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Name: Syaz

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Malay

Height: 1.67m

Bio: Syaz is what you would call a 'Modern Day Malay Boy' - He's okay with smoking and drinking and thinks that tattoos are 'kool'. However, he doesn't eat pork - That's just about the only thing Muslim about him right now. Syaz used to be a religious man up till a year ago during National Service where a huge fight in camp with his former best friend changed his perspective on religion forever.

Having graduated from nerdy NUS High School, Syaz is currently a year one accountancy student in NUS. He is currently staying in campus at a hostel called PGP because he wants to get away from his parents as they are traditionally pious people who do not approve of his lifestyle.

He hates his past and blames NUS High for his non-existent love life. He vows to to be a totally different person come university, but after the first semester it still seems that nothing has changed.

Ever since they met on Tinder, Syaz has a massive crush on Acacia.

Likes: Football, Partying, Drinking, League of Legends, Watching YouTube videos on how to get girls, Short girls wearing specs

Name: Aisha

Age: 20

Ethnicity: Malay (Mixed Indo)

Height: 1.59m

Bio: Aisha is a long-lost childhood friend of Syaz - they used to go to Madrasah (religious classes, usually conducted at a Mosque) together when they were kids but separated when she had to move house. She is a shy, bespectacled, goodie-two-shoes girl who is pious to a fault. However, the recent passing of her beloved uncle in unthinkable circumstances severely shook her faith.

Highly intelligent, she graduated from Singapore Poly with a Diploma in Accountancy with a perfect GPA. She is currently also a year one accountancy student in NUS but never noticed Syaz in school in Sem 1 because they had different classes. Due to family issues, she's desperately looking for last minute accommodation for Sem 2

Despite their short time together, Aisha has always had a major crush on Syaz. She is particularly impressed by his courage to speak his mind and challenge the norm even on 'taboo' topics such as religion

Likes: Reading anything w/ Romance, Watching anything w/ Romance (including Anime), Studying (Yes, Studying), Syaz (crush)

Name: Acacia

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Chinese (Mixed)

Height: 1.65

Bio: Acacia's a gamer girl and met Syaz at his lowest point in NS on Tinder (of all things). She's a Gold II Ahri One-Trick in League of Legends and the two got closer playing the game. Turns out, she shares a similar taste in music as well, listening to the likes of Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and even The Script. In fact, she's agreed to go with Syaz for a concert by The Script happening in Sem 2

Acacia graduated from SP with a diploma in business administration and is currently a year 2 BBA student in NUS. Having participated in just about every FOP (Freshmen Orientation Program) available back in her first year, she has become quite the 'Pops-kid' (popular kid) in school. She is currently staying in campus in KR Hall - The most infamous hall in NUS known to be the home of students with status, cash, talent, looks or all of the above.

She sees her relationship with Syaz as 'just friends' and prefers to keep it on the down-low.

Personality-wise she's pretty wild and loves to drink and party. Her motto in life is to 'live in the now', inspired in particular by the movie Spectacular Now, and she has greatly influenced Syaz

Likes: Partying, Drinking, League of Legends, Karaoke, just about anything else that's fun

Name: Adam

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Malay

Height: 1.75m

Bio: A defiantly religious person, Adam is Syaz's former best friend. They went to Madrasah together and, as Fate would have it, ended up in the same squad together for National Service. However a big fight resulted in them parting ways and the end of their friendship. He is  currently a year 1 student studying Life Sciences in NUS. Unknown to Syaz, Adam actually dated Aisha for a bit in the past.

Likes: Reading the Quran, Football, Attending religious seminars

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