3. Fate

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If you're wondering, we did absolutely nothing indecent afterwards - I swear to God. We instead spent the rest of the night going through the 'House Rules' as follows:

1. Always keep the door locked.
2. Always keep the curtains closed.
3. Never open the door to anyone unless he knocks in a specific manner, and gives 'Salam'
4. Aisha should only use the showers before 6am or after 11pm, since practically no one will be there.
5. There's only one keycard, and it should always be with the person who's going back to the room first.

That's the first revision of the 'House Rules'; more may be added in order keep our forbidden arrangement as low-key as possible. Mind you, I can't afford to clock another offence or I'll be blacklisted and kicked out of PGP so as far as I'm concerned, these rules are absolutely necessary. Oh and to ensure fairness:

6. We take turns to sleep on the bed, alternating each day.

Yeah that's right - fuck the whole 'gentleman' bullshit - I wanna sleep comfortably too!

Anyways, my new misadventure begins earlier than expected - the very next day.

I woke up late on the first day of school.


I blame the sleeping bag.

It's 7.55 am and I've lessons at 8. Aisha probably left already. I rush to the toilet and do a quick 2-minute freshen up routine. Running back to my room, I don the same blue jeans I've always been wearing and the first NUS Business shirt I see in my wardrobe. I put on my socks and shoes, spray myself with a generous amount of deodorant and viola - I'm all set. And it's only 8.01 am!

Well shit I missed the bus and reach the classroom 15 mins later. The prof is in the middle of her introductory speech as I barge in.

I lower my head and quickly make my way to an empty seat at the corner of the front row.

Prof: For the privilege of those who just came in, I'm Professor Ting Ting and welcome to Organisational Behaviour.

My God. This module sounds as ridiculous as her name.

Prof: Each of you will draw your 'Fate' from this box.

Apparently that's supposed to be some Chinese pun or something.

Prof: The number you get determines which group you're in, and I want you guys to sit together in your groups according to this seating plan

She shows the seating plan on screen.

Prof: Ok now my Teaching Assistant (TA) will be going around to hand you your 'Fate'


The TA comes to me with the box.

I draw.


So looks like I'm Group 1.

Prof: Oh and I forgot to mention, the group presentations will be in chronological order, so Group 1 goes first, followed by Group 2 and so on.


Oh well, maybe I'll get some hot group mates to work with...

I was instantly disappointed.
They're all nerds.

???: Heyyy guys...

Wait a minute I recognize this voice...

Aisha: This is Group 1 yeah?
Syaz: Oh my God.
Aisha: Hey Syaz...

Fate, huh?

Nerdy Girl 1: You guys know each other?
Aisha: Yeah we stay in the same ro-
Aisha: *coughs* Hall.
Syaz: Yeah, PGP
Nerdy Girl 1: Oh cool
Nerdy Guy 1: Hi guys just so you know, I plan on S/U-ing this module so I really can't give a shit about all this
Syaz: Well hello to you too!

Geez what an asshat.
That's the first thing you say? My God these
JC kids...

So with the introduction over, lesson starts and inevitably, Aisha chooses to sit next to me.
Not that I mind, of course - she's way cuter than that nerdy looking girl in our group. Anyways, Aisha seems really focused on the lesson at hand while I...


Text convo: Treat me lunch?
Cast: Syaz, Acacia

Syaz: Just how bullshit is mno
Acacia: HAHAH

...I'm busy with more important things.

Acacia: More bs than mkt dude
Syaz: fml
Acacia: lel
Syaz: You having lessons rn?
Acacia: No my mon mornings are free
Syaz: sick
Acacia: yeah haha
Acacia: oh yeah on that note
Acacia: Is it possible to squeeze the tutorial slot for that elective we're taking on Mon morn? 🙏
Syaz: I guess I can try put it after mno so like 11-12?
Acacia: Ok nice I'll put that first choice
Syaz: But what if we don't get it
Acacia: then gg
Syaz: lol no alternatives?
Acacia: I'm kinda not free anytime else
Syaz: Damn Y2 timetable shag
Acacia: ikr
Acacia: If we don't get it then let's appeal
Syaz: I don't have valid grounds to appeal tho
Acacia: lol just try
Acacia: anyw hope it won't have to come to that
Syaz: yea
Syaz: btw wanna lunch 11am
Acacia: hahah sure sure
Acacia: biz canteen?
Syaz: yeah, unless you're feeling high ses
Acacia: Reedz then
Syaz: You and your 'atas' (high-class) taste
Acacia: 😝
Syaz: Ok see you
Acacia: treat me lunch?

And that's where I leave her on read. No way in hell I'm paying! She treats me like a friend with financial benefits and it pisses me off. But even so, I can't deny the fact that I've had a crush on her since forever.


I may actually end up paying after all.

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