Chapter Two

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I stagger back against the door, terrified, "Dustin!" I scream, "Dustin help, there's someone in the basement! Help!"

"No!" the boy yells, throwing his hand out, I press myself against the wall as a shot of liquid flies out of the palm of his hand. It sticks itself to the doorknob and solidifies, turning into solid ice.

"Help!" I scream, tears in my eyes, "Dustin please!" I tug at the doorknob, but it won't move an inch.

I hear him frantically pulling at the doorknob too, "Rachel? Baby it's going to be alright, stay calm!" he sounds even more desperate than I am, if that's even possible.

The boy slides down onto the second step, looking up at me desperately, "Please," he sighs, "I don't want to harm you, you're my sister."

He looks tired, worn out, and a tiny piece of my heart goes out to the boy, "Then tell me why you're here?" I ask shakily, "What do the Officials want with us?"

"Baby? Who are you talking to, are you alright?" Dustin asks through the door.

The boy scowls at the door, "Is that you're boyfriend? Man he's annoying."

I ignore the boy, "Stay there Dustin," I say, "I'm alright, this boy says he's my- my brother."

"You're brother?" Dustin asks; I can hear the confusion in his voice, "Like Brady?"

"Kind of," I say, "Is he up there?"

"Yeah Rach, I'm here," I hear Brady say, "What's going on?"

"Just stay there," I say, trying to keep calm, "I'll be up in a minute."

The boy is looking up at me when I turn back to him, "Alright," I snap, "talk."

"Where's our mom?" he asks.

"Our? My mom is out," I growl.

The boy just shakes his head, "Alright fine, up until almost two years ago I had no idea about you guys either. All my life I lived with a man named Seth, he named me, oh by the way I'm Sam, anyways he raised me, taught me how to use my powers, he kept me safe."

So this boy's one of the escapes, and if what he's telling me is true than mom paid off a man to raise him.

"Nearly two years ago though, when I turned fifteen, Seth left me. We were walking in the woods, scouting for something to eat; he had been acting weird for the past month, less talkative, more closed off. I tried to ignore the changes, but when we were scouting- he grabbed me by the front of the shirt. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, 'Sam, this is where I'm leaving you. You're a smart kid, but it's become too much for me, the Officials will track us down eventually, so from now on it's just you. Find your family, you have a mother and father who'll support you, a brother and twin sister who'll embrace you, but get out of here. You're tough, but they're tougher. I wish you the best- without me.' At that news I was shocked, I wanted to know more about my family, why he was leaving me, but before I could even get a word out he grabbed my head and slammed it against the tree we were next to. I blacked out for hours, and when I finally came too, Seth was long gone."

I swallow the story, what he's saying is impossible! Mom had me at thirty five, and even if we are twins he wouldn't be an Unspeakable, stuff like that just doesn't happen.

"Anyways," the boy- Sam- continues, "I was sick, Seth gave me a pretty nasty concussion, but while I would lay there, hovering between consciousness and unconsciousness I thought about what he said. My family, someone who would support me, all my life up to that had been hiding and surviving, just the thought of a warm bed or proper food was enough to keep my hopes up just a little. So as soon as I could stand again I started off to find you guys. It was tough, being alone, not having Seth there to help me, but I managed. I found out a little about you guys, but it wasn't until I was in a grocery store, and I saw you guy's poster on the bulletin board that I got excited. It was talking about you guys, and where mom and dad worked- and who you guys really were. But my excitement didn't last for long-," he shakes his head, "because just as Seth said, they caught up with me."

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