Chapter Twenty Eight

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I would like to say that after Sam died, the rebellions stopped and everything went back to its peaceful old ways.

But of course- that didn't happen.

I was bawling; sobbing so hard that I'm sure anyone within a mile wide radius could hear me.

Maybe that's how the Officials found us.

Ebony wasn't taken; I don't know how she got away or where she went- but she wasn't among the captured and subdued.

In the end, the Officials simply hauled me to my feet and shoved me out the door.

I didn't even try to stop them, there was no more fight left in me.

Ahead of me, Kenny was being lugged down the hallway. He was still out cold, his head lulled and his feet dragged against the carpet. In front of him were Willow and camera guy. They were conscious, but so seriously hurt that they could barely walk. Behind me was Brady, who had on his stone cold poker face.

I don't know why he had it on, it's okay to grieve.

Gavin was being dragged down the hall too, though I couldn't see him.

Bringing up the back were my parents, who were probably being treated the best out of all of us. The Officials respected them.

And then back in the room, remained Sam, poor, poor Sam.

All he wanted was a family, and what did it do for him?

He's dead because of us.

One dead Unspeakable, two unconscious ones, two badly injured ones, two Normals- three if Dustin was captured, two Head's of Government, and hundreds of Officials.

I'll give it to Kenny, he was brave.

But the Unspeakables lost, and it's only going to get worse for them.

"Come on, quit your whining." one of the Officials snaps at me.

I bite my tongue, "My brother's dead," I manage between choked back sobs.

The Official rolls his eyes, "I don't care," he growls, "for defying the government you may have a similar fate."

"I didn't-," I start, but then I stop short.

Because I did start this.

Brady and I decided to get the Unspeakables involved; we talked Kenny into saving Sam, and for what?

Sam's dead, Brady and are landing ourselves right back in jail, and dozens of our Nation's Leaders are now dead.

I am responsible.

The Officials in front of us stop, and the one carrying Willow turns around, "We will be going into the elevators separately, one prisoner at a time."

"Make sure you have back-up," one Official calls out, "that one's dangerous."

Even though I know Willow's in pain, she shoots a venomous look at the guard.

She killed Sam. She's the one responsible for my brother's death.

I don't like to curse, but that bitch.

I doubt she even cares; she certainly doesn't look very troubled.

Somehow I'm going to make her pay, my revenge will come.

Willow's taken into the elevator, along with about ten other Officials. Then the camera man's escorted in, he seems to have regained more of his senses, and is even limping by himself.

I'll have to congratulate Brady on that kick.

Kenny's brought down next, but only three guards go with him. What's the worst he can do- he's out cold- no person can possibly fake being that limp.

And then it's my turn.

I'm just being escorted into the elevator when Brady cries out, "Wait!"

I turn, he's struggling against the Officials holding him back, "No, I need to be with her, she's my sister! Let go of me!"

It's obvious to anyone that Brady's about five seconds away from getting his head slammed against the wall, so I do my best to soothe him.

"Brady, stop!" I command, putting as much power into my voice as I can, "I'll be fine, and-and I'll see you soon."

We both don't know the next time we'll see each other. It could be in a few minutes, or hours, or maybe days. Through thick and thin Brady's been by my side, being separated from him again- to be in that cold jail cell again- it's almost too unbearable to think of.

But I have to be strong, for Brady, for my parents, for Sam, but most importantly, for myself.

Stepping into that elevator was the first independent action I had made for myself in a long time.

I've been so scared, so angry, so heartbroken over the past months; it's time to become strong.

The Officials try to shove me into the elevator, but I walk in by myself. They quickly follow in after me, and as the doors slide shut, I stare out at the blank wall in front of me.

And on that blank wall, the last couple months began to play.

I see Dustin and me kissing on my couch while we wait for the television to power on. I see Sam telling the story of his life to me on the steps of our basement. I see Sam killing that Official at our door, and then the four of us fleeing from the scene.

I see Dustin fast talking the Officials while he and Sam have guns pointed to their heads. I see Brady running through the woods, whipping past tree branches, to throw the Officials off our tail. I watch as Dustin gets shot in the shoulder and I fall to my knees next to him. I see Kenny and Sam fighting in the hospital parking lot, while I watch in helpless confusion. I see Kenny leading as his guards carry Sam between them. I see Dustin's betrayal. I see Sam and Kenny talking in a small cell. I watch myself be freed from jail.

I see Sam curled up on the floor of his cell, his skin pale and lips chapped, staring listlessly at a blank wall. I see Brady and myself talking with Kenny and Caroline. I see Sam writing something in ice on a wall. I see my parents kissing me on the forehead as they leave for work. I watch Sam's trial. I see Dustin and me talking as we walk down the sidewalk. I see Kenny and Willow announcing the Unspeakable Rebellion. I see myself tackling Kenny.

I see Sam's death.

I watch the elevator doors slide closed.

Sam has opened my eyes to a new world, and like it or not- I'm a part of it now.

And I'm going to help them.

The Unspeakables been hiding for far too long. Sam was taken way too soon; no more innocent lives will be stolen.

This is the beginning.

The beginning of a rebellion.



-L :)

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