Chapter Nine

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Gif above: Kenny (Robbie Kay)

It's all up to me.

Do I choose the nice normal life that I enjoy very much, or the dangerous one that risks my life along with the lives of the people I love?

The answer should be obvious shouldn't it?

But I can't just leave Brady, like it or not he needs me, and Sam- he needs me too. Not the way that Brady needs me, but for stability. Calming his down during one of his fits can be like navigating through a mine field, and what if he goes off on Brady? Sam can't control his powers, like it or not, they both need me.

But Dustin does too.....

I have about five seconds to make one of the most important decisions of my life.

"Don't- do- it," the boy who introduced himself as Kenny wheezes, clearly still in pain from Brady's well directed kick, "I know Sam, he's not who you think he is."

"What do you mean?" I ask, "How?"

Kenny smirks, "I know things about that boy that'll make your skin crawl, he's lying to you; he's always lying."

"How?" I ask desperately, glancing anxiously at Sam and Brady who are a good twenty feet away, at least they've stopped running; right now they're just glaring at me.

Kenny smirks again, then without any warning he springs to his feet and shoves me with shocking force. I go down, hard, falling flat on my butt.

Someone lets out a heart wrenching scream; I shake my head and stagger to my feet.

Kenny has a gun pointed at Sam's back, who's bending over Brady who's loudly wailing in pain. Then it dawns on me, Kenny must have shot Brady, which means Sam's next-

Before I know what I'm doing I jump at Kenny, "Don't you dare touch my brothers!" I scream.

We both go toppling onto the hard black top, with me on top. I pin his arms to the ground, surprised by my strength and sudden bravery, and grab the gun from his hand. I press the sleek thing against his blond head, "I'll shoot this," I growl, "I don't know what it is, but I'll shoot it!"

"It's an electric shock gun, it won't hurt for long, your brother will be fine," Kenny pleads, "just please don't shoot me!"

"Please," I scoff, "I'm not buying the innocent act again, I'm shooting you and we're getting far away."

"Wait!" he screams just as I'm about to pull the trigger, "I can help you!" he cries, "I know a place where you can hide, from the Officials."

"Sure," I ridicule, "just what we need, you tagging along with us."

"Please," he cries, "They're after me too, if you shoot my powers will go crazy and the Officials'll kill me!"

I waver for a second, how would I feel if I were in his position, an Unspeakable that knows that their life hangs in the balance of a shaky sixteen year old with an electric gun?

"And you're saying you can help us?" I ask, still training the gun at his head.

"Yes!" he says eagerly, "Of course, I'll take you to the safe house."

"Promise, because if you're lying I swear to god I'll shoot you without the slightest hesitation and leave you for dead out here."

"I swear," Kenny pants, "I swear on my life."

Reluctantly I let go of his arms and get up, keeping onto the gun though, "Then lead us."


Sam was not happy about Kenny joining us, not one bit. The moment I announced it he looked up from the wounded Brady and scowled, dropping the temperature by about thirty degrees, "No way in hell is he joining us, go fu-,"

"Stop it!" I snap, "He's helping us, now drop whatever rivalry the two of you have and grow up! Brady's hurt, let's focus on that!"

Before either of them can answer I bend down next to Brady, he has tears in his eyes and is biting on his closed fist, "The- pain," he gasps, "So- much- pain!"

"It'll wear off," Kenny says,

"Yeah," Sam snaps, "well anything you say is shit so why don't we test it out."

He goes for the electric gun in my hand but I snap my hand back, "Quit it Sam!" I growl.

He gives me a deadly look, but backs off.

"We've got to get out of here," I mumble, pulling the tiny dart out from Brady's arm (who gasps in pain), "they'll be extremely suspicious if we bring you in. Come on, help me get him up."

With Sam's help I manage to hoist Brady to his feet, he's shaking madly but besides that seems to be in less pain.

I look around cautiously, "We've got to go, now."

"I'm not going anywhere with him," Sam spits, "I've said it once and I'll say it again, if Kenny's here I'm not going anywhere."

"S-S-Same," Brady stutters.

"He's going to help us," I say quickly, "he's taking us to a safe place."

"Ha!" Sam snaps, "Sure he is, and when we're sleeping he'll shoot us in the back without a blink of an eye."

"Oh you're going to talk about backstabbing," Kenny growls, "What about-."

"Enough!" I yell, "Both of you just shut up! Brady and I don't even need to be here it's because of you Sam, I-."

"Cut the crap Rachel," Sam yells, "I'm sick of you using the excuse. After every little thing that goes wrong you always go off about how this is all my fault. Dustin's in the hospital I get it, but that doesn't mean you need a replacement boy to drool over!"

"Excuse me!" I growl, "Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot look at, and that is not why Kenny is with us! Don't you dare talk about Dustin like that!"

"Then don't bring others onto our team without consoling us!" Sam yells.

"Oh we're a team now?" I scoff, "That's funny cause we sure don't act like one!"

"G-Guys!" Brady suddenly yells.

Suddenly out of nowhere a body slams into me so forcefully I fall onto the hot asphalt of the parking lot. My head throbs from the fall, but I manage to pick my it up. Two men are standing over me- ignoring me- but still there.

"Come on," Kenny's saying, "grab him, but leave the Normal's, they're completely useless."

I drop my head down, only so that I can just peek out of the crook of my elbow.

The two men bend down and pick up a limp Sam from the ground, next to me is an unconscious Brady.

"Take him to the car, I'll be right behind you," Kenny says, the two men nod and walk off, Sam in their arms.

I go totally limp as Kenny bends down next to me, his breath is stale as he whispers in my ear, "I know you're awake Rachel, and trust me when I say this, I'm doing you a favor."

And with that he aims a kick at the side of my stomach that makes me grunt and curl up in pain as he laughs and walks off.

In less than two minutes Kenny's kidnapped Sam, and once again, it's all my fault and all up to me to get him back.

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