Chapter Five

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Gif above: Rachel (Madeline Carroll)

Running through the woods in the middle of the night slipping in the mud was nothing I had ever done before, and it's nothing I ever wish to do again. Sam led Brady, Dustin, and I through a complicated path, maneuvering between different trees that he seemed to recognize in an instant.

"Are we almost there?" Brady asks above the pouring rain.

Dustin gave me his jacket but I'm still shivering like a wet rat.

"Good question," Sam says, pulling back a bunch of soggy branches, "because we're here."

I move up to Sam and look at the clearing, a small shelter has been built; from my guess it can fit one person in it, at most.

"We can't sleep here!" I yell over the rain, "It won't fit all of us!"

Sam shrugs, his baseball cap is gone and his brown hair is plastered against his forehead, "Of course it won't fit all of us. You and Brady can sleep here, while you're boyfriend and I keep watch."

"No," I snap, "No way, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I want to be treated like a princess, if you guys are keeping watch than I want to help!"

"Rachel what are you doing?" Brady hisses, "Do you want to stay out here?"

I wave him off, "I'm not tired, I'll keep watch."

Sam smirks, "Fine, the three of us will keep watch, and Brady will sleep inside the nice, warm, homemade shelter."

"Please," I scoff, "I highly doubt that thing is any of the above except homemade."

"Fine, bash my shelter, looks like you're not sleeping in it tonight."

I shrug, "Fine."

"You'll be out in the cold."

"I don't care."

"It's wet."


Sam finally gives up, "Fine! You can stay out here, but seriously what the heck! Aren't sisters supposed to look up to their brother!?"

Brady laughs out loud, "Geez dude, you've got a lot to learn about siblings, especially Rachel."

I look over at Brady, "Get some sleep, we'll figure out what to do when you wake up."

"I'm not tired!" he exclaims, readjusting the backpack I hurriedly packed containing a couple non-perishable food items, money, an extra set of clothes for all of us, and some medical supplies, just in case.

"Come on," Dustin moans, "It's pointless for us to stay here if no one's going to sleep."

The rain is finally starting to let up a little, to the point where it's just lightly drizzling, but I'm still shivering.

Sam yawns, "Well I'm tired, it's exhausting using my powers like that."

Brady looks at me, "I'll sleep if he sleeps too, but only because he's cool."

I roll my eyes, "Fine, Dustin and I will keep watch."

Sam nods, "I'll stay out here, just in case, Brady you take the shelter, I built it but honestly I don't sleep in it often."

Brady sighs, "Alright fine." He's only wearing a thin soaking wet white t-shirt and cargo shorts with a pair of old sneakers, his teeth are practically rattling from the cold.

Now that I think about it, it is much colder than a typical night, even if it just poured.

"Sam?" I ask, looking around, my breath still coming out in puffs, "Are you scared at all?"

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