Chapter Twenty Four

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Gif above: Kenny (Robbie Kay)

(Kenny's POV)

I high-five Kenya on top of the public square television. Normals are way too predictable; it's like playing chess with a five year old.

I survey the square below me; everyone in it is knocked out cold for at least the next ten minutes.

Man, if my mom was alive she'd be so proud of me.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I catch a boy's lifeless body swinging on a lone hanging post.

"Get him!" I suddenly scream, tearing my mask off. The other Unspeakables are starting to wander out into the open now, "Cut him down!"

Sure I want Sam dead, but if he dies due to a hanging, that'll be a win for the Officials.

And I never loose.

Someone- Reyna I'm assuming- shoots a tiny ball of flames at the rope, instantly frying it and cutting Sam down. He lands in a heap on the ground.

I survey as Ebony rushes forward and checks his heart rate and pulse, "Is he alive?" I call down.

She nods, then yells up, "but he's unconscious and needs medicine, pronto. I can name about five illnesses he has just at a first glance."

"Wake him up!" I order, "we don't have time to treat him; I'm getting my revenge now."

Kenya and I practically fly down the stairs leading back out into the public square. Caroline's just shoving her surgical mask back into her pocket when she spots me, "Hi Kenny!" she squeals, "I'm so excited! Rebellions are fun! What's next?"

I turn to Kenya, "Stay with her, keep her out of trouble; I'll call you if I need back up."

She nods, "Be careful."

I wave her off, "Always am."

She rolls her eyes, but leads Caroline to a sweets shop in the square.

"He's awake." Gavin reports as soon as I step foot onto the small execution podium the Officials set up.

"Well than why are you still here?" I snap, "Go to your spot, now!"

Gavin scampers off along with nearly all the other Unspeakables, except for Ebony. Everything's coming together so nicely.

I walk over to Ebony, who's standing a frail Sam on his feet. Angry red marks from the noose scar his neck.

"Come on," I growl, grabbing his arm from Ebony.

"Kenny!" she snaps, grabing my shoulder, "He needs medicine."

I scowl at her, shoving her hand off, "I don't care, now go treat Michael; I need him awake when the Normals wake up."


"Ebony," I growl, "go!"

She purses her lips, than storms away.

"What's going on?" Sam croaks.

I stare into his face and man it doesn't look good. His eyes are dull and unfocused and his skin is so pale and cold I feel like I'm touching ice.

"Follow me," I snap, "we only have a few minutes."

"For what?" he asks hoarsely.

I smirk, "You'll find out soon enough."

Sam lets me lead him for about a block, but then he slowly starts to become more aware of what's around him.

"Why is everyone unconscious?" he asks.

I decide that I can explain that without giving out what's going to happen, "Michael- you know him- he pulled the air out of everyone's lungs, so we could save you," I snap.

The confusion shows on Sam's face, "Why are you saving me?"

I feel my hand flare up, to which Sam screams and yanks his arm out of my grip.

"Sorry." I mutter, an angry red burn in the shape of my hand covers his wrist, "Look I didn't want to help you, but you're a perfect opportunity for stage two."

"Stage two?"

"I'm not telling you anything until we get there so you better shut up and walk with me or else I'm sending a ball of fire through your heart."

Wisely Sam shuts up and follows me.

I can't help but smirk. We should have done this ages ago, as a team Unspeakables can destroy Normals.

"Here," I say, "come on, we only have a couple minutes."

I sprint into the Officials building, Sam close by.

"What is this place?" he asks.

Of course he doesn't know.

I shake my head, "It's unimportant, they're all subdued."

I push the door in and walk inside. The place is so silent it's almost creepy.

"Kenny!" Willow cries, pointing to her watch and rushing over to me, "Two minutes, run!"

I grab Sam's arm again and haul him over to the elevator, Willow rushing after us, "Is everyone in position?"

She nods, "All the cameras are in place, and everyone has their targets subdued."

"Targets?" Sam asks his voice spiked with panic.

I shove him into the elevator, and push the number five.

"Everything's ready, Lance is already waiting, just hurry!" Willow cries as the doors slide shut.

Sam doesn't wait a second, "Kenny what did she mean by targets? What's even going on?"

I roll my eyes, "We're killing every Normal with political power, and you're helping."

Sam's face grows even paler, "What?" he manages.

"It's a rebellion," I snap, "and we're killing anyone who could possibly defy us before they have the chance to do it."

Sam's eyes widen, "Kenny can't you see what you're saying? You're turning into them already, that's what the Officials have done to us!"

Kill us before we can defy them- huh.

I shrug, "And that should bother me why?"

"Because we're becoming just as bad as they are!" Sam cries.

I wave him off, "I can live with that on my conscious."

The elevator dings and the doors slide open.

"I'm not killing anyone," Sam growls, not budging from the elevator.

"That's funny," I laugh, "you think you actually have a choice."

I grab him by the arm and fast as lightning, pin it up against his shoulder blades.

His face instantly twists in pain, "Now are you going to be smart and follow what I say or-,"

A jet of ice flies out of his palm, I easily dodge it.

"So you want the hard way," I mutter, willing heat to escape from my finger tips.

Sam cries out in even more pain, "Now if you don't want me to melt your arm off, I'd do as I say," I snap, leading him out of the elevator.

The corridors are relatively empty.

Emma peeks her head out of the doorway, "Thirty seconds until we go live," she says, "the Normals are running around like chickens with their heads cut off down there."

I nod, and finally shove Sam into the Head Office of the Department of Criminal Justice.

Lance bolts up to his feet, "Get him in position, the camera's ready."

The two department heads have terrified looks in their eyes, but I also see something else there.


I just hope Sam recognizes his parents too, because it's only going to make my revenge even more fun.

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