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Thorn enters the 'Blue and Gold' to see her collection of friends are already there. All, minus Kevin, she notes. Thorn wonders how she is still a part of the mystery-solving group with how often she now distances herself from them, but she's glad to see them either way, even if she's the last standing singleton there.

"Now we're all here," Betty starts. She sends a smile to Thorn as she sees Thorn lean against one of the cabinets in the newspaper room, away from either of the couples. "So, the reason we called you guys in here.." She then glances up at Jughead sweetly, and Thorn's brows furrow.

"Please no teenage pregnancies," Thorn says, wide eyed. "I can't be an auntie yet."

"No," Betty shakes her head wildly, "I'm not pregnant. We haven't--

"My dad's getting out jail," Jughead abruptly says, cutting off his girlfriend. He's smiling, so happy to share the news, and also happy to shut off the end of Betty's sentence.

The three that didn't know smile in astonishment. "Jug, that's... that's great," Archie says, uncertain of the news.

"It's amazing, Jug," Thorn says with a smile. She immediately moves to hug the boy, him being so thankful of her support. She plants a kiss to his cheek, and even though he's reluctant to admit it, Jughead smiles at her affection.

"Thanks, and my dad is eager to thank you for all the gifts you and your dad have been sending him," Jughead tells her.

"This is really great," Thorn says, her heart swelling with happiness for her friend.

"Yeah," Veronica agrees. "But, what heralded this miracle?" she asks, just as unsure as her own boyfriend is looking.

Thorn looks up at Jughead, and he gives them a shrug. "Uh, overcrowding at the jail," Jughead supposes. "I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony, it was a perfect storm."

With her hand now rubbing her friend's shoulder, Thorn says, "I'm so happy for you, Jug. I can't wait to tell my dad. We'll have to have you around for steaks. A real Sanders celebration, like old times," she adds.

Jughead smiles. "That sounds great, Thorn," he says.

"What do you need from us, Jug?" Archie asks, clearly wanting to be there for his friend.

"Both of us actually," Betty corrects. She sucks in a breath. "We have a new lead on the Black Hood case; and Jughead and I were wondering if you guys," she looks at her three friends, "would follow up on it for us. We can give you," she turns and grabs a collection of papers, "all of the details - the articles."

Thorn sees the uncomfortable looks Archie and Veronica share upon the request. Something has happened. Thorn can sense it. The look of discomfort on Archie's face is telling for Thorn. She knows him too well, even if she denies it.

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad to help with his re-entry, so.." Jughead trails off.

"Uh, yeah, and I'm just..." Betty hands the articles to Thorn and says, "I'm taking a break from the Black Hood."

Thorn nods. Her eyes flicker over the small file Betty has put together for them. "Of course I'll do what I can, but I'm out of the field-work on this one," Thorn says quickly. She tries to avoid Archie's stare. The last thing she wants is going out crime-solving with the couple that now makes the sanctuary of the students' common-room their regular make-out spot. "I can follow up on some leads online. I can talk to my grandma - Sheriff Keller," she adds, looking at the dates to the article. "But no active crime-solving or breaking the law sort of things." She passes over the file to Archie. "My dad would kill me if he found out."

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