ACT 1, Scene 4

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LEELI enters the kitchen, where JANNER and TINK are already sitting at the table. NIA is taking sausages off the stove. TINK stares at the sausage as his stomach growls loudly.

JANNER: Well? Is he coming?

LEELI sits down at the table.

LEELI: He said he has to get rid of the thwaps first.

NIA: Oh, I wondered if that's what was keeping him.

She serves sausages and hotcakes to each of the children. TINK grabs his fork and starts to take a bite.

Tink, are you forgetting something?

TINK puts his fork down with a sheepish look on his face.

TINK: Oh yeah. Sorry.

NIA takes her place at the table. She and the children fold their hands and close their eyes.

NIA: Dear Maker, we thank you for the rich blessings you have given us today. For this food, for the sunshine, for the breath in our lungs. Help us to use it wisely.

JANNER: [slowly, uncertainly, almost uncomfortably] Um... please help the Fangs to go away soon, so we can... um... live without them.

TINK: [fast] Thank you for food.

LEELI: And thank you for sea dragons!

NIA: And for whatever we receive from you today, may we be truly grateful. Amen.

Everyone opens their eyes and begins eating, TINK especially fast. LEELI takes a piece of her sausage and gives it to Nugget while no one is looking.

NIA: Tink, mind your manners. Slow down.

TINK: [through a mouthful of food] But Mama, it's Dragon Day! I wanna go to the festival.

NIA: You'll have plenty of time to get to the festival, even if you eat at a normal pace.

JANNER: There's going to be more food there anyway.

TINK: [wide-eyed, with a hungry grin] I knoooooow! [continues eating voraciously]

PODO suddenly bursts in the door holding a violently wiggling sack, which Nugget begins jumping at.


Everyone looks at him. TINK speaks through a mouthful of food.

TINK: Did you get them all?

PODO: No, there are still two more of the nasty little buggers out there. But these three--

He shakes the sack.

--won't be munchin' on any more of our vegetables, I can tell you that!

JANNER: What are you gonna do with them?

PODO: Oh, I'll... I'll think of somethin'.

LEELI gasps.

LEELI: You don't mean you'll kill them! They're such sweet little things, Grandpa, and they never harm anyone!

PODO sputters and points at the scratches on his arms.

Spoiler warning: this is the end of the script. Do not go to the next chapter if you do not want to be spoiled.

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