Annie Adams-College Years

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                                                                                       Chapter 13

                                                                                     The Reunion

     Len, Charlie, Frank and Charles arrived at the hospital having driven through blinding snow, and in record time due to the siren on top of Len's truck.  They went straight to the information desk to ask about the condition of Charles' wife Harmony Jones, and asked if Charles could see her.  The older white haired lady at the desk smiled and said he could go on back and gave Charles the room number.

     Len introduced himself as Waterbury's Sheriff and told the receptionist he was accompanying Charles.  "That's fine Sheriff," the lady said.  And then she added that Frank and Charlie could wait in the waiting room, which consisted of many straight backed chairs with blue cushions on them,  a magazine rack and a T.V.

     "Let us know as soon as you can how Harmony is, please," Charlie told him.  "Sure," Len said, and then walked through the emergency doors behind Charles.  Charles found the room they were looking for and rushed in straight to Harmony's bedside.  Annie was sitting next to her bed holding her hand.  "Charles,"  Harmony said in a soft voice as a tear ran down her cheek.  She was pale and looked weak.

     Annie smiled up at him and introduced herself.  "Thanks for being here for Harmony."  "It was my pleasure," Annie told him.  Then she got up so he could have the chair next to his wife's bed.  Then she hurried to where Len stood in the doorway.  "Let's give them some privacy," Len said with a wink at her.  Annie nodded and they walked down the hallway toward the waiting area, closing the door behind them.

    The first words out of Charles' mouth was: "Oh honey!  I'm so sorry for every time I hurt you, for everything I did," he sobbed.  Harmony touched his face soothingly.  It seemed to Charles that it took a great deal of strength for her to move her hand even that short distance.  "What happened to you?"  Charles asked anxiously.

     "I passed out,"  Harmony said simply.  Her talk was in slow motion too.  "But what's wrong with you?"  Charles persisted.  "They're running tests.  But the O.R. Doctor thinks it's some sort of deficiency.  He said if it is, it can be controlled with medicine and I'll be fine."  She assured him.  "Oh.  What a relief," Charles said gently, while gathering her hands in his and kissing them.

     "Harmony.  I didn't get the divorce,"  Charles blurted out.  Tears began streaming down Harmony's face.  "Things are going to be different now," Charles promised.  "I gave my life to Christ on the way over here."  Harmony was sobbing with joy as he spoke.  "I will do the time or accept any punishment the law hands out." Charles said sincerely.

     "And after that, you and I will have the wonderful life I promised you when I married you."  Harmony embraced him and he her, and Charles was now amazed at the strength in her arms.  The two of them quickly got a hold of themselves when the doctor came in.  Charles wiped his eyes on his sleeve and Harmony grabbed up a tissue from her night stand.

     "I'm doctor White," he said.  He was a tall thin man with silver gray hair, and wore spectacles and had pleasant features.  "Well young lady your blood tests don't show any infection at all," (he spoke in a gentle soothing voice.)  "So I'm guessing it was probably stress that brought this on."  Charles let out a low moan, feeling that Harmony's stress was related to what he put her through.  However, the doctor ignored it and went on.

     "Let me see," the doctor said, looking at her chart.  "You are five months pregnant now; and you go to college and have a husband to take care of.  All that can be quite overwhelming sometimes.  Just make time a couple of hours a day to relax.  Okay?"  "Yes sir doctor.  Will do."  Harmony said with a smile at him.

     "And I'll help," Charles assured his wife and the doctor.  "Fine," the doctor said with another smile at the couple.  "The nurse will be in shortly with some papers for you to sign, and then you can get dressed and leave."  "Thanks Doc,"  Charles said rising and shaking his hand.  "Yes.  Thank you so much," Harmony agreed.

     "You're very welcome," the doctor said, while looking out the window at the gathering snow on the ground.  Then he turned back to Harmony and Charles.  "We're trying to get all of our patients out of here before the storm hits."  Then he grinned,  "I wish You both a life time of happiness; you and your little one to be."  "Thank you,"  Harmony and Charles chorused. 

     In a half hours time Harmony and Charles came through the emergency room doors, Charles pushing Harmony in a wheelchair.  Len, Annie Frank and Charlie hurried to meet them.  "I told them I didn't need this thing,"  Harmony complained.  "You look a whole lot better,"  Annie said happily.  "I feel a whole lot better,"  Harmony told her and then getting to her feet.

     Listen all," Len said, "the storm's getting worse.  We need to get going."  And then he noticed Charlie was on his cell.  "You calling our place to let the gang know we're on our way?" Len asked.  Charlie nodded and then started talking.  "Ask Zack if he can pick us up.  We all won't fit in our truck." Len told him.  In the next second Len heard Charlie ask.

     "Since Charles is the only person we have at the department now," (Len didn't want to say the word Prisoner, for fear of upsetting Harmony) "and my deputies have gone home because of the coming storm and hoping that the criminals won't want to get out in this weather,"  Len took a "mock" exhausted breath from having said all that.

     "You, Charles and Harmony are coming home with Annie and me."  The couples' mouths gaped open.  Just as Len finished speaking Zack's van pulled up to the curb.  "Let's go!" Len said.  "How can we ever thank you for being so kind to us?"  Charles asked him.  "You ain't heard nothing yet."  Charlie told him with a mischievous smile on his face.

     "What?"  Charles said with a look of confusion.  Len gave Charlie a "Stop talking" look and then said,  "I'll tell you when we get home." Then the sheriff led his little group to Zack and his waiting van, with Annie tuck under his arm.

                                                                            End of Chapter 13

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