Not Real Dave×Jack Part 1

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This was also requested by BabyTurtleDucks. Again, amazing ideas. This is during DSAF'S 2.

A purple man wakes up in a creepy reddish void. He looks around. There's nobody around. "Hello? Anyone here?"

"William." Says an all to familiar voice that we all hate. "Henry? Is it really you?" Dave has tears in his eyes. He runs up to Henry and hugs him. Henry hugs back. Many don't know this, but Henry was always a father figure to him. Since he was the first person to give him meaning, that taught him to dream.

"Henry, I missed you..." "Shh... it's alright Willy." Suddenly, Dave gasps in pain. He looks to his side. There is a knife in Henry's hand that is piercing into his side. "H-Henry... why...?" "You seriously thought I missed you? You are dumber than I thought. I've always hated you, you were the reason I died, you are the reason this all happened." "N-No... I."

Henry takes the knife out of Dave's side. Dave falls to the ground. "You are the reason this is going to happen." Jack is tied up in a chair. He is in a springlock suit basically having a panic attack. "Sportsy!" Dave screams. "Not again, not again not again notagain notagainnotagainnotagain." Jack says over and over.

"Please, don't hurt him..." Henry smiles the most devilish smile ever. "This. Is. Your. Fault." Henry sets off the springlocks. Jack's screams fill the air. His begs, his pleads, they are to much for Dave to bear. "Henry! Stop! Leave Sportsy alone!" Henry's horrifying laughs fill the void. He disappears. Dave runs up to Jack. "D-Dave, why? W-Why did you do t-this?" Jack says, tears streaming. He coughs out blood. "Sportsy, I.... I didn't, it wasn't-"

"You k-killed me... Guess that's what I get for trusting a MURDERER." Tears stream down both mens face. Jack's eye lights go fully out.

"Old Sport? Oh god... No, s-stop playing w-with my e-emotions! Stop pretending! Y-Your alive! I-I-I know it! You can't b-be dead, y-you can't..." Dave picks up Jack and holds him in his arms.

"P-P-Please... wake up S-Sportsy..." The response he gets is silence. After that, the only thing that is heard is Dave's loud sobs.

The same man jumps up in his bed screaming and breathing extremely heavily. His entire body is covered in sweat. After a few minutes he calms down. He forces himself to get up, and get ready for his shift at Freddy Fuckbender's. He checks the clock.

12:55?! It takes 10 minutes for him to get there, and he was supposed to be there at 12:00! He rushed out the door to his dead end job.

Jack's POV

I was worried, extremely worried. After I rejected Dave's offer, he didn't even kill any kids! He always does. He has been acting really strange, not causing trouble, looking extremely tired, and not healthy.

Hell, Phoney even asked if he was ok, and although he would always tease him if anybody asked that, ESPECIALLY a phone guy, he just shrugged and walked off. Not only that, he was late. Dave is never late, unless it's for one of his plans. But since he hasn't killed anyone, it can't be that. Finally, I hear a familiar Brooklyn accent scream. "I'm here!" But, it sounds so tired.

Phoney meets him at the door. "Employee, your- Holy Heck!" I rush out and am surprised and even more worried. Dave looks like he hadn't got any sleep for a month, and looks like death itself visited him (well, more than he always does.)

"Yeah, yeah Phoney. I'll go put on the bunny suit." "No, Dave. We aren't using the suits anymore, so just supervise today, ok?"

Dave nods and walks off, bumping into a few things. "Greg, can you keep an eye on him? He doesn't look good." I nod. "Sure boss." I walk off in the direction Dave went in. But, so many people bump into me. So, I lose sight of the eggplant.

Jack Sized Time Skip~

"Where the fuck is that aubergine?!" I curse lightly. I've been searching for him for 30 minutes. I decide to check the backroom. There he is. Wait... "Dave!" He is on the floor, holding his head. He looks so out of it.

"S-Sportsy? What are you?" "Dave, are you ok?" "Of course! I'm always fine!" He stands up to quick. He starts to fall. I catch him.

It's plenty hard, since how tall and how much he weighs compared to me. "Dave, be careful. You don't look to good."

He shakes his head and winces. "I'm fine Old Sport! Just tripped." I set him down. "You stay here, I need to talk to PG." "I'm fine!" He protests. I stare at him with my 'Yeah right' stare.

He stays quiet and nods. I walk out of the backroom and go to the security office. I summon Phone Guy from there. "Why has thost summoned me?" "It's Dave." Phone Guy looks worried.

"What about him?" "I lost him for a half an hour, then I found him in the Backroom. He was on the ground clutching his head. There was a bump where he was clutching. He tried to get up and I had to catch him before he fell." Phone Guy thinks for a moment. "So, I should send him home?" I shake my head.

"I don't think we can trust him to walk home, or walk really at all. I have a car, I can take him to my house and take care of him there." PG nods. "If you're sure. Tell him he has the rest of the week off." "Alright PG, I'll tell him." I walk out. "Good luck employee!" Phone Guy shouts after me. I go into the backroom.

"Dave?" Dave raises his hand. "Here Sportsy." I roll my eyes. "Scott said you got the rest of the week off. I personally don't trust you to go home by yourself, so you're coming home with me."

I could've sworn I saw his eyes light up. I help him up and get him to my car. I hope this doesn't go as bad as I think it will.

AN- Yep, this is going to be a twoshot. I think the nightmare section is what really made this long. I feel like the things I do best are nightmares, don't know why. Anyways, I'm sick, so there may be more chapters today. See you!

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