Chapter 5

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My eyes flutter open and I yawn, for some reason I didn't sleep as well as I usually do. I turn onto my side and feel something cold and damp against my cheek. I sit up in surprise, only one word on my mind. Cold! I look around, eyes blurred with sleep and my blonde hair. Around me and see green, green and more green, along with splashes of pink and white. I blink a few times and the world comes into focus. The green was grass and leaves and the pink was fallen cherry blossoms. I must have fallen asleep in the garden. I think and look beside me and see Aslet sleeping peacefully.  Reachover and shake his shoulder, wondering why he didn't wake me up last night. He makes a sound of protest, moving so he faces away from me. I sigh and shake him even harder, wanting answers. He groans and opens his eyes, sitting up slowly, "Where are we?" He asks groggily, rubbing his eyes. "I'm the garden because you didn't stay awake." I accuse him and he shakes his head, "No, I definitely woke you up and we were walking to your room when..." he blinks in confusion and runs a hand through his mess of black hair. "I don't remember," he shakes his head and sighs. Suddenly the soft rustle of long grass catches my ears and I turn towards the sound. Emerging from the bushes is an elegant woman with cropped blonde hair and clad in white and gold armor. Lumien. I think the second I see her. "Who are-" "Do not speak unless spoken to." She cuts me off, her voice flowing and mechanical all at the same time. The seething anger in her electric blue eyes shocks me for she seems calm, her mouth set in a thin line. "Now," she turns her raging gaze to Aslet and I, pinning me with her stare. "You are princess Zirconia of Obscurum, correct?" She asks, more a statement than a question. "Who's asking?" Aslet says before I can answer, and she turns her cold gaze to him. "Zelda Allan, commander of the first North-Lumien air force." We just stare blankly at her, "And is that a reason we should tell you who we are? And why are you in Obscurum anyways?" Aslet asks after a moment and Zelda sighs agitatidley, rubbing her temple before looking at us again. "And this is why I hate handling the kids," she mutters. "You see, we're not in Obscurum." She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Yesterday evening you were taken into custody by Lumien soldiers, drugged and then taken to Lumen." I gasp before she continues. "And I am supposed to ask if you are the princess so are you, or are you not, princess Zirconia." "I am..." I say hesitantly and after considering our options. Commander Allan nods in satisfaction though her eyes still burn with an angry flame. "Commander Allan," I ask slowly, tasting every word before I say it. "Do I know you?" Allan turns to me so quickly im surprised her neck doesnt crack.  She studies me curiously. "Well I would assume you should, considering your mother was my sister." I gasp and Aslet just looks at us both oddly. "I see it, you have the same hair and... cheek bones." I flush and lift my hands to poke at my cheeks, Are they really that noticeable? I ask myself before realizing I shoudknt be worrying about my facial structure. "Your Atlases sister?" I ask and Zelda nods. "My aunt?" "The two would seem connected." She replies in an exasperated voice. Aslet chuckles and I glare at him. "Anyways, we should get you two back to Obscurum before Shade notices your missing." Commander Allan glances around and her hand twitches in what must be a gesture because not even seconds later, a cloth is shoved in front of my nose and the world is going black.

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