Chapter 7

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     Just a dream. It was just a dream. I tell myself over and over again as Moira helps me dress for the festival. Yet I can't shake the feeling that the dream was somehow real in a way. Every time a shadow moves I flinch, any small noise has me shaking in fear. "My lady, are you feeling alright?" My maids voice, laced with concern, comes from behind me. "Just a dream." I tell her, more to reassure myself than Moira. She just nods and sweeps my hair into an intricate braid with amazing speed and grace. I admire myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing myself. I wear the sky blue top I bought a few days ago and some denim shorts that are quite short. My hair is braided beautifully and a brown leather choker adorns my neck, finishing the look. "Thank you," I breathe, stunned by the girl Moira transformed me into. She just smiles and flips her pink hair a little. "I'll leave you be." She says and exits my room, handing me my backpack. Guess I'll go meet Aslet.
     In a few minutes I'm outside of his room. I knock nervously and hear a muffled "Come in!". I push open the door and see Aslet with his back turned towards the door... and no shirt on. "I can come back in a couple minutes," I squeak, my voice higher than usual. Aslet turns his head and a blush covers his face quickly, "Oh, Zira... what're you doing here?" He says, fully turning around. For a moment I forget why I am here, distracted by his muscled abdomen. "I... uh... can you please put a shirt on?!" I manage to say after a moment of stammering out nonsense. Aslet smirks a little, "Distracted?" He asks playfully, gesturing to himself. I close my eyes, feeling the heat rise on my cheeks. "Just do it." I order, tired of making a fool of myself. I hear Aslet take a step closer before he whispers, "Come over here and make me." I open my eyes to see a cheeky smirk on Aslet's face, he holds himself in an inviting stance. "Oh, your really gonna go there?" I ask, my embarrassment dissolving into fury. I grab a tunic from his bed and throw it at his face. Hard. He grunts when it hits him and pulls it on with a glare. "Fine, you win," he grumbles, pulling a hand through his hair. Sunlight shines just in the right spot to bring out his silver highlights. "What'd you really come here for?" He asks, walking past me, making it clear I am to follow. "I just wanted to let you know I'm ready to go to the festival." He looks back at me, a genuine smile on his face. "Shall we?" He holds out his arm, as per routine, and I eagerly grip it, ready to be jumped into the bustling city.

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     Lues smells like fresh food and flowers, already crowded even though the festival hasn't started yet. I release Aslet's arm and immediately start taking in everything. "I'll be right back." Aslet mutters before walking into the crowd, leaving me alone. I frown, What's up with him? I wonder before I get distracted by an elderly woman selling flower crowns from a small cart. I cross over to her and she looks up, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiles at me. "Ah, your highness," she tips her head politely instead of bowing completely. I admit that is very daring considering most royal would have her punished for lack of respect but I admire her. "What a pleasure it is to be in your presence," she continues, smiling again. "My name is Blyanna, how may I help you?" I look at the flower crowns and pick one that is made of roses, daisies, and other white flowers. "Could I have this one?" I ask and Blyanna gives me a sad smile. "I'm sorry princess, but that one is on hold for a special client of mine and I am out of those flowers, would another one be sufficient?" I wilt a little inside but smile, I can't have everything. "That's okay, their all beautiful so I can pick another." After a few minutes I settle for one made of red roses, forget-me-nots, and other little flowers I don't know the name of. Blyanna smiles at my choice, "Those flowers bring good fortune to all who wear them." She accepts my money and send a me off with a wave and a smile.
      What an odd woman... I think, placing the crown upon my head and wandering to the place I last saw Aslet. I see him sitting at a table, a look of mixed concern and anger on his face. I walk over and smile brightly, sitting across from him. His head snaps up and he frowns, "Where were you?" He asks, looking at my crown. "Just browsing." I answer. The festival is in full swing by now and the streets are crowded, leaving hardly any room for people to be comfortable. His frown only deepens and he stands up, "Your father wants you to read the speech in a few minutes, come on." He starts walking and I rush after him, nearly losing him in the crowd. As we near the raised podium Aslet pulls me into an empty alley. "Aslet...?" I ask, terror running it's claws down my spine even though there's no reason to be afraid. "Happy birthday Zirconia," he whispers before pressing his lips against mine.

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