Chapter II

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"Walking alongside you may change everything ".

- Unknown



Dragging my feet down the carpeted stairs, the steps groan under my weight. I use the sleeves of my forest green sweater to rub my eyes carefully. The morning sun is rising above the horizon and slowly lighting the house up. "Morning Sweetie" Aunt Melissa calls from the kitchen. The scent of freshly cooked eggs and bacon hits me, and I inhale it with a small smile on my face." Morning aunty" I respond while skipping the last two steps on the staircase, effortlessly jumping past them, my stomach aching. "Smells amazing!" I exclaim while finding myself a seat at the breakfast table. "Made you some eggs and bacon this morning. I'm not heading for my shift before noon" Melissa explains as she places herself on the other side of the table, still wearing her baby blue apron. This wasn't an everyday thing and I enjoyed every second of it. I quickly fill my plate, keeping a sharp eye on my watch. "Must be nice though Eva is picking me up in a few minutes" I frown feeling bad for not having been up earlier so I could have enjoyed more of my aunts cooking. Knowing my friend might be here earlier I start digging into the food eagerly. "Don't forget that John is picking you up today, alright?". I nod, my mouth filled with scrambled eggs, remembering her mentioning it yesterday at dinner.  

Trying to be subtle, my aunt passes the familiar bottle of pills towards me with a careful smile. My mood immediately changes and I shake my head firmly a frown replacing my before-hand small smile. This woman truly was unrelenting. The bottle is as good as new, the pills still occupying the space inside; I only remember having opened it once. "You know I'm not taking that crap. You know how they make me feel." My voice is stern and I ask for no objections, feeling the tightening in my chest as she yet again chooses to ignore my statement. "Addi... I know you're still seeing- You know... things." Melissa struggles to find the right words without upsetting me, her eyes pleading. I don't cave, my facial expression is unwavering.  Her worry was starting to get to me, only infuriating me more every time she tried pressuring me.  Getting ready to explain my point of view once again I straighten my back. This conversation had been a daily occurrence since the last check-up at the hospital 2 weeks prior. 

Saved by the bell my eyes dart to the front door before I rise from my seat, the chair shrieking as it's pushed away from the table. I keep my mouth shut, thinking it would be better to stay silent than starting a verbal fight before leaving the house. I pull at the door revealing my best friend; a wide grin spread across her face, dressed in her usual attire consisting of skinny jeans, a crop t-shirt preferred with a band name/print and her favorite leather jacket to top it all off. "Addi! Morning!" Her eyes glistened before engulfing me in her arms. I chuckle and return the favor, pressing her against my chest while breathing in her lavender-scented curls. "Let me just get my bag and I'll be ready to go!" I yell the last bit, already halfway up the stairs, my feet patting against every step. Grabbing my bag I quickly stuff it with my computer and chemistry book before rushing back down. "You girls have a great day! and Addi... This conversation will continue when you and John get home." Melissa exclaims determined right before the front door closes behind me with a thud, almost hitting my backside. I stand on the front porch jumping around on one foot as I bend down trying to squeeze the other into one of my black vans. I let out a huff of air and mentally beg that Melissa will have forgotten all about it when I get home. 

"She tried again this morning?" Eva asks knowing all about what happens every morning, not even sounding surprised anymore, her eyes watching me as I struggle with the other shoe. "Yup, same as yesterday, and the day before that. She simply does not give up" I sigh defeated and finish tying my dirty laces. Eva doesn't respond as I'm sure she doesn't even know what to say.  We head down the front steps and get comfortable in Eva's rusty pick-up, she borrows from her father. "On another note... I got exciting news, A!" Eva squeals as she turns the keys to the ignition, the engine roaring to life. "Rumors goes around about a new guy starting this week" She smirks devilishly before sending me a playful wink. I roll my eyes, shaking my head disappointed. Her constant attempts to set me up with someone made it sound like it was necessary to be in a relationship. I don't exactly need other people in my life right now, except the ones already there; call me an introvert, antisocial whatever.  "Come on, you gotta get out there girl!" She pushes on dramatically, almost implying that I'm going to die if not, as she sees the expression I'm wearing. Eva and her girlfriend had been together for almost 4 months now, and they already acted as if they were married. The two of them always found pity in me sitting at home, so I had on multiple occasions been dragged along on date nights as the awkward third wheel.  I didn't feel the need for a partner. I was doing fine by myself. "Eva, you know my opinion"


The loud chatter from the students scattered around the hallway echoed off the pale walls and maroon lockers. Eva's arm was resting loosely on my right shoulder as we lazily maneuvered our way to the other end of the school. My backpack swung gently with my every step and I hummed to the tone playing on the speakers hanging on the walls. Our school figured it would be a nice touch to let the morning radio play on the hall speakers before and between classes. I couldn't disagree, it was soothing and on a bad day, an upbeat pop song could always make you spread a small smile. Last month a student had connected their computer to the speakers and played their playlist on repeat during a lunch break, that's where the teachers had gotten their idea from.

"-and Sarah says he's all the way from Cali, but I don't think someone would travel from sunny California to our little shit weather town. Do you?" Eva was still babbling about the new guy and I simply went with the flow, shaking my head softly. The crowd of students slowly disappear as the time near the beginning of our first lesson. My eyes glance at the minimalistic oversized watch hanging on one of the ceiling support beams. I nudge Eva with my elbow, her mouth snapping shut as she follows my gaze. "O shoot... Mrs. Ludge is gonna publicly execute us if we're late" Eva worriedly bit her lip, pulling me along as she quickened her pace. "Wouldn't be the first time".

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