Chapter III

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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that's all"

- Oscar Wilde



Standing outside the classroom door, we both knew we were fucked. I picked at my cuticles and the skin surrounding my nails, a nervous habit, as we debated whether to enter or simply stay away for the first lesson. Nose crinkling and eyes flashing with defeat Eva sent me an apologetic smile. "Might as well just go in there and get it over with" I murmured quietly, glancing at the small metal handle engulfed in Eva's hand. Girls... Please enlighten me in your poor excuses for being late this morning, had been her harsh words last time someone found themselves 10 minutes late for English Lit. Her ash-colored complexion had nearly turned the same maroon red as the school lockers, her hands resting on her dainty hips disapprovingly. Nodding at my anxious best friend she twisted the handle, carefully pushing the door open. The low sounds of whispering reached our ears and Eva proceeded her way into the classroom. To our astonishment, Mrs. Lodge was nowhere in sight. I give a quick glance down the empty hall before entering the room as well, joining my best friend in the back where three seats beside each other had been left empty.

"You two are lucky Ludge is late" a mob of dark curls swings in my face as the girl in front of me turns around to face Eva and me. I immediately recognize the crooked teeth and unruly eyebrows that always seemed knotted together paired with a constant frown. "Sarah, pleasure as always" The edges of my lips pull up in a tight smile as I tilt my head slightly, keeping my voice sweet enough to cause diabetes. Eva ignores my obvious hostility and turns towards Sarah. "Where is Ludge? The woman is never late!" Sarah plasters a pleased smile on, loving the attention she was getting from knowing more than the two of us. "Getting mister pretty boy, of course! He's a real catch and I'm warning you, he's mine." My eyes widen ever so slightly. He was starting in English Lit? Probably for the sake of catching the girls' eyes. But I'd have to agree. A guy able to quote Shakespeare is a guy worth looking in to. I mean, look at Edward Cullen. He was in English lit and drew a lot of attention to himself. But then again, that could have been 'looks' alone.

Missing the last bit of Eva and Sarah's conversation I lean back in the harsh wooden stool waiting for Mrs. Ludge to return. Tapping the end of my pen on the surface of the desk it creates a slowly annoying clicking noise. "- and I saw him like walking by the office, and let me just tell you, girl. He. Was. Hot." Sarah's obnoxious high-pitched tone bore into my head even when I tried to ignore the two's conversation. "Ryan Gosling- or Dylan O'Brien-kinda-hot?" Eva asked, leaning across her desk, her head resting in her hands as she talked in a hushed tone. Why was everyone so worked up about him? I really didn't get the fuss.

The door opened revealing Mrs. Ludge, a huge smile plastered on her face. Her arms widened opening up towards us, gesturing to the class. Her blood-red, chapped, lip was moving, explaining something I did not hear. My eyes were on the guy entering after her. His steps were careful, his deep brown eyes roaming over our heads, observing quietly. He stood about a foot½ taller than Ludge if you counted in his tousled, curly, dark hair. My eyes scanned his clothing to find him wearing light-washed jeans and a loose dark blue hoodie, the logo unfamiliar to me. The colors truly suited his olive tanned skin. As my eyes returned to his face his eyes connected with mine in a soft stare. His eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn't quite recognize, his facial expression alluring, keeping my stare fixed. I felt the heat creep up along my neck till it reaches my cheeks, the skin there tickling ever so slightly.

Then I couldn't stand the intense stare any second longer and I downcasted my vision to my scratched up wooden desk gasping for the air I didn't know I was holding. I felt Eva's eye bore into my head, the whole class had probably noticed our minor stare-off. Fuck... I concealed my face in my hands, hoping the class would direct their attention elsewhere. His husky voice then cut through the air and immediately felt the bundle in my stomach tightening. Why was I even having this reaction to a stranger? This was getting ridiculous. "Hi, My name is Noah. I transferred here from Florida. I guess... That's just really it" He kept his presentation short and formel. I slowly dared to look back up, luckily everyone's eyes were placed on the boy from one of the sunniest states. "Now that Mr. Centineo has been so nice to introduce himself, I think you all should do the same." Mrs. Ludge clasped her hands together with an excited grin, showing off her crooked slightly yellowish-teeth, stained from all the coffee she seemed to be living off.

The guy on the first row, furthest to the left, got up with the chair shrieking at his sudden movement. "Brent here. Captain of the football team and ladies first choice" Arrogance was smeared over every word and I found it hard not to roll my eyes. He felt his masculinity clearly being threatened by the new guy, who had already gotten every female-being in this room to give him their undivided attention. With a tilt from the head and a cocky smile, Brent sat back down, pulling his chair in. Every class member got up one by one until it was Sarah's turn, and I watched with a humorous smile as she leaned over the desk, pressing her arms against the sides of her chest, her already clear cleavage crawling up further. I leaned back, trying to not have my face resting against her ass. She swung her hair behind her shoulder trying hard enough for everyone to know what she was doing. "Hi there, I'm Sarah. School president of the student council, so if you need a tour I would totally help you out" her adenoidal voice was already starting to make my head pound. The row continued on, reaching Eva right before it was my own turn to stand and introduce myself.

I rose from my seat slowly after Eva's hand had given mine a reassuring squeeze. I rubbed my moist palms against my jeans, trying with no luck to dry them off. Everyone's eyes were on me, including Noah's. I gulped, taking a deep calming breath before talking. "Ehm.. I'm Addilyn, but most people just call me Addi." My voice was low but loud enough for the front row to hear. I kept my eyes placed firmly on the board behind Noah. I felt no need to share any more information than that and quickly got back in my seat. Two more girls gave a short presentation before we were officially done. Silence overtook for a second before Mrs. Ludge realized we could continue the lesson. "Mr. Centineo, you can just take the seat in the back, and then we'll pick up on our new subject for the next couple of weeks". Our older teacher spun around and started writing on the whiteboard.

The new guy strode down the rows of desks and placed himself in the seat on my right side. I mentally cursed and tried to seem unfazed by his presence. I trailed my finger along the deep scratches made in the desk before glancing over at Eva, who to no one's surprise quickly and unnoticed passed me a crumpled piece of lined paper. I made sure Mrs. Ludge hadn't seen before sluggishly trying to unfold it.

The new guy is H. O. T.! He was totally checking you out!

Sending her the look her eyes widened and she eagerly gestured for me to write a reply. I flipped the paper, letting the back face upwards, as I worked on my reply. I folded it neater than she had before sending it back her way sleekly.

He is, but he also looks like someone who plays with hearts for fun every morning. Drop it.


Class ended and I couldn't have been more relieved to leave the classroom. I felt like I was slowly choking on intensity trapped in the room. I had never been faster than now at packing my bag and heading out the door with Eva at my heels like a lost puppy. "Addi, hold up!" she whined sounding out of breath as she tried to catch up. I slowed my pace hoping that I was out of the danger zone. "What the hell was all that about?" Her brows were furrowed, but curiosity was gleaming in her eyes as she leaned on her toes. "I don't know" I sighed confused adjusting my bag on my shoulder. "He really is someone different, ey?" Eva chuckled and winked at me.

"Yeah, he seems that way".

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