Forget to Forgive

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I don't forgive the words you said, They dance all night around my head

I won't forget your hands on me guiding my hands on you, cause these are the things i wish weren't true

i wont unfeel the knife in my hand, the noose on my neck, the gun to my temple

I will never unsee the world changing from coal to gold

and I want to forgive

 and I want to forgive 

   and I want to forgive 

Why can't I forget

and I don't want to feel

 and I don't want to feel

    and I don't want to feel

I hold my regrets 

and I wanted to forgive my being mostly, for its will to live

So I gave it all up

willingly I might add

So I could have control

No one could take what I had left

I lost all that I hadn't wanted

so it couldn't be taken and flaunted 

while leaving me empty

hurting others around me

I used him before he could use me

like he used them 

and I wanted to forget 

 and I wanted to forget

    and I wanted to forget

I hold no regrets from that eternal night.

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