Chapter 1

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Callie POV

"Should we wake her?" I heard a voice say.

"She looks so peaceful," another voice came into play.

"I got the bucket."

Wait, bucket?


I screamed as ice cold water got splashed on my face. I sat up to see 5 boys clutching their stomaches laughing.

"Yea yea laugh it up," I glare at them.

"Don't worry Cals, w-we will!" Jared barely got out before going back to laughing.

"Callie, I am truly, deeply, very sorry for this," Josh said smirking.

"Shut up Josh," I push past him to get up. I walk over to the bathroom door, "If any of you are here by the time I get out of the shower," I pause as I turn my head to look at them,"shits about to go down."

The boys look around at each other smirking. "Okay boys, lets leave miss tough girl over here to get ready for school," Jason walks out with Josh and Jared in tow.

"See you downstairs in 30 minutes Cal" Garret nodded as he walked out. Garret has always been the quiet one, we don't really know why he's so quiet, he

I looked at the last boy standing, "Evan, you need to leave also"

"But babe," Evan walks slowly over to me,"I was thinking," he wraps his arms around my waist as he brings his lips to my ear, "we should shower together."

I roll my eyes. "Oh my gosh Evan, get off." I shove him away while slamming the door in his face. I run my hands through my hair while looking in the mirror.

"Well, lets get ready for the first day of school shall we?" I plug in my IPhone to my speakers and strip down to jump in the shower.

"So I'm following the map that leads to you. Theres nothing I can do. The map that leads to you. Following, following, following, to you." I belt out the lyrics trying to get rid of my first day jitters. I am honestly super nervous for school. I don't know why I should be, I mean every year I have the same annoying boys in my class to make the environment stressful for the teacher. It's actually quite hilarious though. Having the same 5 boys, who also happen to be my neighbors, in every single class. Hopefully that happens this year.


"Callie lets go!"

"Come on Callie!"

"How long does it take to get ready for school?"

"Girls take forever!"

I walk downstairs to see the boys lounging around on the couch. "Boys whine to much," I grumble.

"What was that sunshine?"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut it Josh."

"Damn, someone is feisty today."

"Purrrr" Jared mimics.

I hear the reassuring sound as someone slaps Jared "Idiot, a feisty cat wouldn't purr!"

"Jeeze Jason, no need to slap me!"

"Would you both shut it!" I yell out. All eyes turn to me. "I have a major headache so you all can shut your mouths now."

"I think someone is a little grumpy this morning"

"Evan, face the facts" Josh looks at me smirking "shes always grumpy"

"Ha-ha Josh your so funny" I smiled while flipping him off.

"Okay boys its time for school!" Jason announces while running out the door.

The boys all yell "Horraayy!!" While sprinting out to the two cars. I roll my eyes and grab my school and soccer bag on my way out.

"You guys are idiots" I say as I climb in the passenger seat next to Evan "major idiots."

"But idiots that you love right?" Evan started the ignition and exited the driveway.

"Love would be an overstatement" I turn to him. He just shakes his head an chuckles.

"So you ready for try-outs?" Evan takes a glance at me before looking back to the road.

"I dunno" I squirm in my seat "what if I don't make varsity? Then I won't be able to play at all" That is my biggest fear for Junior year in high school, not making the girls varsity soccer team. The boys say I shouldn't worry about it, they trained me all summer to get ready for this. 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. 2 days for goof off time. I enjoy just paying soccer though, I throw my life into that sport. It means the world to me, thats why Im so worried if I don't make varsity.

"Don't worry Cal" Josh spoke up from the back "you will do terrible and make a fool of yourself and lose all your friends"

I turned in my seat to face him "F you Josh" I say as I flip him off. He just laughs to himself. Evan pulls in to the school parking lot.

"Well kids," Evan smirks, "ready for the first day of hell?"


Sooooo first chapterrrr!!! Is it TERRIBLE? Okay? Good? Or great??? Rate it please!! Leave me feed back so I can make it better!

Love all ya'll!! <3

Point out any errors please because I basically suck at editing!

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