Chapter Seventeen: Twenty Questions

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By the time rehearsal wrapped up, the sun was starting to set. Abbi and Liz were part of the group that rushed off as soon as we ended, their parents waiting impatiently for them in the parking lot. I lingered a little, packing my stuff into my bag, knowing full well that my parents were not yet on their way.

"Flip Phone!" I looked around the park and saw Cort walking over to me from the pavilion. Most of the theater kids were gone, but his parents seemed almost as chronically late as mine were.

"You hungry?" His question sparked my attention because I was not one of those girls that believed in picky eating. I was however, a broke bitch.

"Naw. I'll have dinner when I get home."

He shook his head, "Then walk with me while I get food." He started walking without even waiting for a response. After a couple of steps though he seemed to notice that I wasn't following. He paused his step just long enough to toss over his shoulder, "Or you can stand here alone in the dark, get murdered or something gruesome like that."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Excuse you. My gang will protect me."

He gave a half chuckle but didn't bother responding since I'd started following him.

We walked out of the park and crossed the street, not seeming to head towards a specific destination. As we walked, I pulled out my phone and texted my parents that rehearsal was running an extra hour or so today.

We walked in silence and I hung back a little, wanting to see where Cort would go if he had his choice. To my surprise, the over-privileged brat led me into a McDonald's. He stopped in front of the door and pulled it open, letting me go in before he did. I must have looked shocked at his uncharacteristic chivalry because he flashed me a patented smirk, seeming to enjoy my confusion. Walking up to the counter, he placed his order and leaned against the counter impatiently while they filled it.

Why the hell are we here? I mean, I understand that we were both waiting around, but what was happening here? We weren't even talking, so I couldn't tell if this was some whim of his or some huge joke or if he was just being friendly in his own twisted way.

Cort picked up his tray from the counter and walked to a table, not even glancing at me as I waited for him. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the table and sat on the other side of it, eyeing the tray of food in front of him. Without a word, he picked up a vanilla milkshake and a small fry from his tray and set them in front of me.

I raised my eyebrows at him, but he didn't react. After a second, I just gave in. Pulling the top off my shake, I picked up a fry and dipped it into the shake.

"Oh come on. You're not seriously one of those people?" Cortland's voice held so many layers of disgust in it, it almost transcended into a new emotion entirely.

"Problem?" I blinked at him innocently.

"Don't be disgusting. Eat like a regular person." He ordered, then paused for a second "Please."

I smirked, "You got me the shake and fries, not my fault you don't know how I eat them."

He tilted his head at me, mild bewilderment on his face.

"What?" He was kind of freaking me out.

"Nothing. I just realized that we all kind of laid out the red carpet for you with our life stories and I really don't know how you eat your fries, or anything else for that matter."

Uh oh. I couldn't actually tell him about myself because my personal information was not stuff that fit in with his kind of crowd. That was high-key why I had not shared much about myself.

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